Chapter 55 - Physical Exam (5)

Gender bend—back in my old world, it was a genre where characters switched to their opposite genders. Essentially, a girl would transform into a guy, and vice versa. If I was right, that's what was happening to Johanne right now. I wasn't sure if it was a curse or something similar, but it could definitely be one.

Given Johanne's blissful ignorance of the change, it seemed he, or rather, she wasn't aware of it. It was possible she'd been transformed into a boy from birth. But who was responsible? It had to be someone with the power to pull off such a drastic alteration.

"Now that I think about it, she's the son... or rather the daughter of the Sword Saint, right?" I pondered aloud. It was possible her father had orchestrated this transformation or at least found someone to do it.