Chapter 55 - Physical Exam (7)

My match was about to start, and the crowd was larger than I'd expected. Much larger. Were they here to see me? To watch me fail and flail around? To get a kick out of my embarrassment?

But it didn't matter. The size of the crowd wasn't my concern. Even if I showed them I wasn't a pushover, I wouldn't reveal my true abilities. There was a clear difference between being skillless and being a master swordsman.

I glanced at the weapon rack. The array of swords before me looked unimpressive—cheap, poorly crafted, and barely sharpened. They seemed like they were meant to be mere props in a poorly made play. But appearances can be deceiving. Sometimes, even the most unremarkable tools can be wielded with surprising effectiveness. A skilled hand can turn a worthless blade into a valuable weapon. So, I picked the cheapest sword on the rack, made from the lowest-quality metal. It looked unimpressive and barely sharp, but it was good enough.