Ariel's Real Goal ('-')

 "You know it's a crime to use your teleportation directly in the palace without permission," Rameel asked Masir, he was wearing a robe as well. "You brought two kids, who are not allowed outside the grounds of Prodigy Academy. Is that not a crime? Bringing Ariel could be forgiven, but you know very well Zayan is not allowed to leave that mountain."

Rameel looked at Masir with a serious look, "Masir, my friend, I am King of House Inventum, until the next King arrives. And I have accepted Zayan as a fellow Aurian on my father's wish." Masir didn't even change his expression, "Well, if you have them under your supervision, Aurian Council will see to it. I am done here," Masir vanished.

"But, how is this possible that Ariel can control blood," He appeared next to Ariel. "I was told that he is an Augmentum, and he was placed in Augmentum class as well."