Ariel Goes Berserk...

In room number two, Ariel and Amara were getting ready to fight, when the light turned red suddenly. The whole room looked red like blood, the second light turned red, and everyone randomly started throwing attacks. Azlan created a wall with his Earth Manipulation Prodigy, and Ariel and Amara hid behind it. "We defend ourselves and when there are only a few standing we fight," Ariel explained, Azlan turned the wall around them, making a cage around them. In which they would stay protected, few attacks hit it but the cage was muddy it absorbed them.

"Just wait and pray no one used water or Ice Prodigy," Azlan blinked to Ariel. Azlan had his hands upwards, and it seemed like he was struggling. They could hear screams and cries of battle outside. 

"I accept defeat, you don't need to kill me." A girl outside pleads for her life, "Nope, you are dying and everyone in here is dying as well."