With firm resolve, Amir entered the field. Saqib stood on the other side, they both faced each other in the sand circle. "You know the rules, right?" The referee asked them, and Amir and Saqib nodded in approval. Saqib seemed angry, and happy at the same time. He stood at 5'9, and had dark skin, with no hair to speak of but his big black eyebrows and eyelashes. He wasn't wearing any shirt, just a white belt on his hip and blue trousers touching the ground.

"Begin, on the count of three. One, two," Referee counted as he walked backward, "three."

The second count hit three Amir took Saqib's right hand and with a jerk, he threw him to the ground. Saqib fell on the ground real quick, and just after he tasted mud, Amir touched his head and made his body heavy as a boulder. Because of too much weight, Saqib couldn't move or stand up. It wasn't a direct energy blast or anything, so he couldn't absorb it as well. Amir let go of his arm stood up, and left the stage.