The Annual Rumble Festival (Part 2) - The Simulation

A participant was provided with a device akin to the one they had seen at the Infinite Realm. The device was a circular-shaped apparatus with no additional components.

The students observed the device for a brief moment before they were instructed to place it on the floor. None of them knew much about the apparatus, so they had mixed feelings about using it during the match. However, they were all determined to win.

"Now, system initiate," the commentator said, and the device instantly emitted a blinding light.

The competitors closed their eyes and took a deep breath to prepare for what was to come. When they opened their eyes, they found themselves in a white void.

Suddenly, the device spoke,

[System initiated]

The students quickly distanced themselves from the device as two Grade 1 demons appeared.

"Don't worry; these demons are harmless," the teacher's voice came through the device.

"But you have to defeat them," the commentator continued.

The students breathed a sigh of relief upon realizing that the demons posed no harm. However, they were still troubled by the fact that they had to carry out the exorcism.

As per their curriculum, every school had to visit the Infinite Realm at some point in time. Even the first-graders were well aware of the dangers of the demons lurking in the realm. With bated breath, they scanned their surroundings, keeping an eye out for any potential threats. Soon, two demons approached them.

To their surprise, the commentator informed them that the demons were merely holograms. The primary objective of the test was to assess the emotional and mental capacity of the students. However, it was evident that most of them were already failing the test.

Despite this, the majority of the contestants stood their ground as the two demons drew nearer. Only the faint-hearted students gave in to their fear and fled from the scene. Suddenly, two more demons appeared, and the situation grew more intense. The strong-willed students knew that they had to exorcise the demons, but they were clueless as to how to go about it.

It was then that Ace made an observation. He realized that duplicates of the demons existed in the world and that they would eventually manifest themselves. Without wasting a moment, he put his hand up to one of the nearby demons, and it instantly disintegrated.

The other contestants were stunned by Ace's remarkable display of skill, but he had no time for appreciation. He urged the others to pay attention and stated,

"We have to exorcise the demons quickly because duplicates of existing demons will keep appearing."

As he spoke, three more demons materialized. Ace reiterated his earlier point, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

"Do you understand now?" He asked the other contestants, just as the three demons charged toward them.

The assembled individuals gave a confirming nod towards him, before turning their attention to the six malevolent entities that lay ahead. The competitors hastened towards the demons, attempting to vanquish them, but only a select few succeeded in causing their disintegration.

It remained a mystery to Ace as to how he was able to vanquish the demons. Observing his comrades struggling, he dashed forward to lend a helping hand. Raising his hand in a familiar gesture, he was once again successful in disintegrating two more of the demons.

Having successfully destroyed five of the demons, only one remained to roam the empty void. Ace saw it as an opportunity to secure his victory in the round, and turned towards his teammates, bellowing:

"Exorcise it."

Despite their hesitancy to engage in battle with the demon, Ace was determined to exorcise it himself. Rushing towards the demon, he raised his hand and made contact, only to find that nothing happened. Stepping back, he noticed a subtle mark on his body.

Once more, he endeavored to inflict harm upon the demons. However, to his dismay, no noticeable effect materialized, except for a redundant mark that manifested upon his body. Nevertheless, he remained resolute in his determination to vanquish the demon.

Despite repeated attempts, it continued to accrue multiple marks on his body. Soon, the demon duplicated leaving more exorcism for them to conduct. Swiftly, he endeavored to exorcise the demon but was astounded at the speed of duplication - duplicates kept emerging until a total of four demons were present.

He delivered a decisive blow to the duplicate demon, causing it to disintegrate. His companions rushed to his assistance, and together they vanquished the remaining demons, leaving the strongest demon for a later engagement.

At that juncture, Ace espied a peculiar mark upon the demon's abdomen. He endeavored to comprehend its significance until another faction hastened toward it. Subsequently, someone hollered,

"Take aim." Ace deciphered their intentions and promptly advanced toward the malevolent entity, simultaneously briefing his comrades on the predicament.

Both factions raced towards the demon, vying to vanquish it first. It glared at both groups and endeavored to assault them, but fate was not on its side. Members of the factions who were able to expel the demons placed their hands on the mark, and it disintegrated into the abyss. Only a few remnants of its existence were still in the process of dissipating.

Shortly thereafter, they were returned to their customary surroundings, and the commentator declared,

"I shall now pronounce the triumphant groups."

"Three groups were disqualified due to fear or emotional distress, one group due to inactivity, and one group due to incapacity to banish the malevolent demons."

"Thus, we have two victorious groups who shall proceed to the battle royale, but that is not all."

"Only six members from each group shall progress. These individuals are Akira, Haruto, Aoto, Fuji, Akihiko, Rin, Himari, Hana, Reina, Kazuki, Chinatsu, and Ace.

The triumphant participants rejoiced upon hearing their names being called out. They exited the stage and took their seats to rest for the next challenge, the battle royale.

Once again, the commentator announced the amount of time allocated for the break. Previously, it was 1 hour, but due to the intensity of the second matchup, it was changed to 1 hour 30 minutes.