
A ring of moo snickering went through her ears from the next put. His voice was delicate and fragile. "You cruel that's no joke?" Lei Zhao took a gander at Yan Mei as he asked. Yan Mei's eyes met his and saw his eyes brimming with smiles. She become flushed and so also as she was aiming to turn absent, Lei Zhao held her head to keep her from turning absent.

Yan Mei saw him in caution. Is it genuine or not that he arranged to compel her? Seeing her eyes stacked with alert Lei Zhao mumbled vulnerably. He kissed her sanctuary carefully and took a full breath. "Since, you're worn out. I will do nothing. Rest wifey, dream almost me."

Yan Mei was stunned when she listened him, she figured he will compel her since it was his right however she never figured he will keep down. She didn't have any thought how to reply. She unwittingly licked her lips and her temples were imperceptibly wrinkled. Lei Zhao showed up to be enchanted as he looked at her licking her lips. His body reacted as he felt his blood bubbling.

He suddenly held her head and kissed her difficult, sooner or afterward, he conveyed and smiled in fulfillment when he saw her broadened lips. He grasped her immovably in his arms. "Rest."

Around midnight, Yan Mei had a daydream, she saw a youthful woman playing within the grass. The youthful woman was around five a long time, she turned when she felt some person behind her. Yan Mei solidified when she saw her confront. The youthful woman looked accurately delighted in her when she was a adolescent basically that her eyes and nose taken after her ex. "Mother!" The adolescent giggles and run into her arms.

Yan Mei burst out crying when she felt her in her arms. "Mom, for what reason would you say you're crying? Are you disturbed to see Wang Mei?" The youthful lady's sensitive voice was stacked up with severity. Yan Mei set when she listened the adolescent. She cleaned her tears and compelled a smile.

"No, mother is greatly merry. Mother is crying since she is happy to see small Wang Mei." The youth kissed Yan Mei's cheeks and smiled. Her smile was so unadulterated. Yan Mei's heart harmed when she saw her unadulterated smile.

"Mother, Wang Mei needs you to merry. Attempt not to blame yourself, mother. Wang Mei has to see mother grin since mother looks the finest when she smiles. Ensure Wang Mei, mom, simply will be ecstatic from presently onwards."

Yan Mei burst out into tears when she listened her, "Mother, Wang Mei needs more time ensure me, mom."

Yan Mei felt the body in her arms begin to disappear. She gone overboard. "Mother pledge to be substance, do not go Wang Mei. Mother will pay consideration to you."

"I adore you, mother." Wang Mei mumbled as she vanished. Yan Mei burst out in tears.

"My child, I adore you as well. My terrible child doesn't go."

Lei Zhao stirred when he felt tears on his bear, he turned on the light. His sanctuaries wrinkled and his eyes were brimming with caution when he saw tears on Yan Mei's cheeks. He seem listen her faintly yelling out for a child.

"My child, do not take off mother."

Lei Zhao mixed her endeavoring to stir her. Yan Mei stirred suddenly when she felt some person shaking her, her eyes were clouded on account of the tears. She looked around as in spite of the fact that she was searching for a individual or thing. She held Lei Zhao's arms and inquired commandingly.

"Where is my child?" She shook him when he didn't reply. Lei Zhao was shocked when he saw her like this, her confront was recolored with tears and her eyes were empty. Since of the shock, it took a few time for him to reply.

"Yan Mei, there's no child here. Within the occasion simply require we are going have a child Alright?" Lei Zhao maneuvered her into his arms and embraced her immovably. He was panicked, seeing her like this yelling out for a kid that isn't his. Lei Zhao ought to capitulate, he was being childish however he was stressed almost the plausibility that that she will take off him one day.

He realizes she doesn't cherish him and maybe he doesn't venerate her as well on the grounds that it is completely inconceivable that he will encounter energetic sentiments for someone he has known for some of days.

In any case, he was physically drawn to her and he seem see himself getting to be pitifully enamored with her. It was unavoidable so he would or maybe not lose her. Maybe a few put in his heart, an slant has started developing. Yan Mei started to fight when she listened him. She drove him absent.

"No, I do not require another child, I essentially require my child." Yan Mei shook her head.

"Alright, we'll track down your child." Lei Zhao said gently his voice brimming with ruining.

Yan Mei smiled dissuading, "You do not have any thought.."

Lei Zhao maneuvered her back into his arms and tapped her back gently. Yan Mei unobtrusively howled into his chest always, her hands grasped into shaking clench hands. Lei Zhao held her gently shaking her slowly. Yan Mei felt her heart harmed, to such an degree!

Lei Zhao was agonizing seeing her like this, the finest anybody may trust for at that point was to grasp her and let the downpour of her tears soak on his chest. He might feel her get a handle on clench hands and realized she was going through a ton. It shows up to be this kid makes a huge distinction to her. He ran his fingers through her hair attempting to calm her down.

Unexpectedly She started hyperventilating. Lei Zhao felt her alter and pulled her back. Seeing that she was hyperventilating, he kissed her. Instead of his conventional powerful kiss, this kiss was moderate and fragile. As in spite of the fact that he required to consolation her and tell her he is with her and won't ever take off her.

At the point when Yan Mei's breath get back to trade as normal, he conveyed her and kissed her forehead carefully. He at that point maneuvered her into his arms and said gently, "Rest."

As in spite of the fact that his voice was charm or on the grounds that she was really worn out, Yan Mei felt her eyelids getting profound. She fell into a significant lay down with no appalling this time.

Lei Zhao took a gander at the woman resting and his sentiments were convoluted, 'Child? Does she have a adolescent with another man? What's more, expecting she did where is the youth, with their dad?'

Interests, he had experienced a circumstance and he didn't really have the foggiest thought where to start from. Groaning, he went to the restroom, damp a towel, and confessed all to her confront. After he was wrapped up, Lei Zhao took a bunch of cigarettes and went to the overhang.

He at times smoked, he conceivably does when he is feeling horrendous. He picked his phone and dial Ye Xing's number.

"Chief." Ye Xing's dry voice sounded. It shows up he was napping.

"I keep up merely ought to investigate Miss Yan once more."

"That chief… "

Ye Xing was to some degree mortified. This can be the beginning event when, he can't track down an individual's information in S city."

Hearing his faltering Lei Zhao raised his sanctuaries. "What?"

"It shows up to be an uncommonly solid person is shielding Miss Yan. In fact, indeed I can't discover anything around her with the exemption of a long time back when she appeared up in S city. It shows up she is the individual who came to the entryway of the Yan family, declaring to be the misplaced young miss with a DNA report and an picture of Granddad Yan's young lady who took off as a result of her organized marriage Mr. Li. There are fair four people who can conceal their character in this nation. The finest three families in City M and the royal family. On the off chance that my supposition is right Miss Yan ought to be related in a few way to these families."

Lei Zhao squeezed his brows languidly, "mmm."

From that point forward, he hung up the call. He checked out at the moon overhead and fell into significant thought.

"Wifey, who are you?" Lei Zhao mumbled within the calm evening