
Lei Zhao and Yan Mei turned when they listened the voice."Miss Tang." Lei Zhao replied briefly. Tang Wei checked out at Yan Mei and scowled. Undoubtedly, indeed as a woman she should capitulate, Yan Mei is very conceivably of the foremost dazzling woman she has at any point seen. Her uninterested and cold mien included a unique touch to her.

"Kin Zhao, this is- often - " Tang Wei asked.

"My noteworthy other, I thought Miss Tang unquestionably knew." Tang Wei burrowed her nails in her palm when she listened him.

"Wifey, how approximately we go." Yan Mei motioned as she went to check the woman out. She can see the can't stand in her eyes. An engaged glimmer went through her eyes.

'She appreciates Lei Zhao?'

"Miss Tang, we got to take off to begin with since my noteworthy other is covetous." Lei Zho signaled hardly and entered the café with Yan Mei. Tang Wei took a gander at their backs, and her eyes were imperceptibly rosy. She had long listened that Lei Zhao had gotten hitched however she didn't believe it.

How might he get hitched to another individual! They have known one another for very a long time be that as it may he really calls her Miss Tang. To begin with, it was that bitch Yun Zhou and directly this woman. Does he like these sorts of youthful women? Lei pushed a situate for Yan Mei and she smiled at sitting down. The servers came to require their orders the moment they got settled. The café was a small restaurant that had a straightforward vibe to it.

"Lei Zhao" She called out to out him and took a gander at him with you superior let me know who that woman was see.

Lei Zhao scoffed and made a sound as on the off chance that to talk.

"Wifey." Yan Mei lifted a leg over her thigh, resting up against her situate with her hands crossed against her chest.

"So who was that, Within the occasion that I do not realize superior I would agree that she may be a rival?"Lei Zhao took a full breath, grinning.

"Is it secure to say that you simply are covetous wifey? Within the occasion simply require I won't speak with distinctive women.". Yan Mei pretended worsening and checked out the café.

"She is Tang Wei, she isn't precisely critical essentially my auntie's grasped youth. She spared my cousin Li Wei when they were kids so his family grasped her. Couldn't care less almost her."

Yan Mei profound down mumbled in offer assistance. She doesn't have any thought why in any case the straightforward thought that woman may be close Lei Zhao bothered her.

"Thoughtful," She mumbled. Lei Zhao chuckled to some degree at her.

"Wifey, you're cute." Yan Mei flushed, endeavoring to drag it together. The server brought the nourishment and Yan Mei neglected Lei Zhao as she ate up her nourishment. Lei Zhao observed her with slight excitement. He venerated observing her eat. she showed up to be interesting from her standard standoffish self when she is eating.

She taken after any conventional foodie as well locked in in her nourishment whereas overlooking where she is. Lei Zhao brought down his head, getting back to his claim dishes. He picked the braised pork on his plate and put it on her plate. Yan Mei saw him stunned. Lei Zhao smiled gently at her with a spoilt see all over. Yan Mei's heart dodged her pound when she saw his eyes stacked up with reverence.

"So how does your family react, Your people do not appear like customary people."

Yan Mei inquired as she endeavored to conceal her trouble.

"Certainly, my mother may be a well known analyst however she is greatly quiet and my dad is the President of Thistle Inc. The most oil organization within the nation. My kin was furthermore had different organizations within the states."

Yan Mei was to some degree stunned when she listened him. His family is that wealthy? Stand by, the Lei family! The Lei family is one of the finest three families in city S. At the point when she appeared up she did a number of examinations around the control in this nation. Be that because it may, she thought the Lei family wasn't a peril to her so she fair looked at one or two of information and didn't really center.

"I figured you did a chronicled confirmation on me earlier to consenting to wed me."

Yan Mei shook her head,

"I believe my granddad, I realize he did and he is companions together with your Oldman Lei as well."

Lei Zhao signaled.

"What do you cruel your kin had items organizations within the states What has been going on with the organizations?"

"In any case, i ruled." Lei Zhao said with a smile however the smile didn't arrive at his eyes. Yan Mei motioned.

"Shouldn't something be said approximately him, where may he be?"

"He is-" Lei Zhao couldn't total his words as a running youth around ran into their table. The small bowl containing soup on their table moved and was getting to tumble down. Fortunately, Yan Mei's eyes were faster. She promptly pushed the youngster and the soup fell on the floor. One or two of drops of it spilled on the youngster's hand.

Since of the alarm, the adolescent yelled out boisterous which panicked the server and his mother. The mother quickly got the youth and saw the irritates on his hand. She angrily went to Yan Mei.

"How might thrust my kid like that! Envision a situation where he had gotten harmed."

Yan Mei took a gander at the woman and said indifferently.

"On the off chance that I hadn't driven absent your child, in all genuineness, the soup would have spilled on him. It's not my deficiency you are a insane and loathsome mother who passed on her child to go around in an restaurant."

"Who are you calling a appalling and silly mother!" The woman screeched out of disappointment.

"You, clearly. Do you see any jokester isolated from you here?" A wily grin appeared up on Yan Mei's confront. She genuinely loathes these sorts of women who didn't center on their children and highlight on extraordinary looking in tall society.

Lei Zhao took a gander at his superior half and shook his head feebly. At whatever point she has that see all over he realized some person was getting to cause problems.

"You inappropriate woman! You attempt to call me a comedian? Do you have got at slightest a few thought who I'm?"

Yan Mei snorted and tasted her wine. Taking a gander at the gallant see all over, the woman felt her blood bubbling. Since she turned into the prostitute of the Zhao family and brought forward a child, everyone within the tall society respect and a few endeavored to compliment her with charming words so she expected she was at that point the pioneer of the Zhao family.

"Within the occasion that you just do not bow down and apologize to me whereas I'm feeling incredible. Attempt not to consider taking off this spot." The woman said as she gave her adolescent to the woman she was eating with.

Yan Mei stood up when she listened her and went to check the woman out.

"What did you say?" Yan Mei inquired with an fiendish smile all over. She genuinely hates being undermined and she figured she ought to appear this woman a thing or two for his child. On the off chance that she hadn't driven the adolescent absent he will apparently be canvassed in devours presently since of his mom's lack of caution.

The woman couldn't stand up to the opportunity to shiver when she saw the look in Yan Mei's eyes. How might a woman have such a savage look in her eyes and cold quality?

Accepting that she can't lose her confront in wide sunshine, the woman lifted her high-obeyed feet and kicked at Yan Mei.

Yan Mei evacuated one organize from her and wandered to one side. As however having that abhorrent see all over, "You missed. By and by my turn."

The lady's confront got to be frightened. Her instinct told her this woman was certainly not a ordinary woman. Out of no place she had a sensation of approaching devastation. Appallingly, it was past the point of no return.

Some time recently she might react, Yan Mei raised her leg tall and kick heartlessly clearly at her knee cap. Yan Mei knew kicking someone within the knee will harmed like perdition and possibly cause a awesome bargain of hurt.

The woman fell shriveling in torment.

"Arghhhh!" She groaned in torment.

"Wifey, is your leg Alright?" Lei Zhao inquired worriedly with a see of stress all over. Yan Mei signaled her hand.

"It's essentially filthy, we ought to go so I can scour down."

Lei Zhao motioned and smiled. "Within the future, allow me to these silly works Alright?"

Yan Mei smiled and shook her head. People within the diner take a gander at the couple's collaboration and couldn't stand up to the opportunity to venture a too bad look at the woman on the floor.

The woman gritted her teeth and her eyes were darkened by tears.

Lei Zhao put cash on their table and took Yan Mei's hand as they turned and left the café. Additionally as they were attending to take off, Lei Zhao suddenly grasped Yan Mei from behind.

Yan Mei scowled and turned around to require a gander at him the moment he pulled absent. Lei Zhao smiled at her however Yan Mei saw his temples wrinkled.

Looking past his bear, she saw the vibe of stun and free for all on the lady's confront and suddenly recognized what has happened.

"Lei Zhao!" Yan Mei yelled in stun