Move on


Feng Mei remained some time recently the punching pack and took a gander at the man remaining some time recently her. The man whose eyes and nose she had a noxious scoff all over. He was remaining some time recently her with his hands in his take. This man was no other than her natural father. He was tall, alluring, and had a molded facial structure.

It shows up to be the a long time influenced him, he appeared to be a thirty-year-elderly individual in spite of the truth that he was clearly more set up. Feng Mei has until the end of time been hypnotized by how appealing and energetic her father looked. No huge astonish a wealthy recipient like her mother surrendered to him.

They looked at one another, the climate was a small off-kilter as strain within the room got higher.

"What am I doing here?" Feng Mei asked.

Zheng Ren scoffed as he checked his small young lady out. He by and large reviews the woman he has adored always at whatever point he sees his small young lady. His girl has been injured by a man and at whatever point he sees his small young lady secured in her room crying, his heart hurts. On the off chance that not for his small young lady, he would have apparently murdered that individual very a few time back.

"I figured we will practice since it has been very a whereas." Zheng Ren said with a fragile smile all over.

"I would or maybe not." Feng Mei said as she evaded him and walked towards the exit.

"I never realized my small young lady was a weakling." Zheng Ren said as he snickered grandiosely.

Feng Mei ended briefly when she listened him, in any case she neglected him and kept venturing towards the exit.

"Your mother, would be humiliated approximately you!" Zhen Ren's voice resonated within the room. Yan Mei stopped and held her clench hand.

"You're continually secured in your room, sobbing well into the night. Do you assume crying will settle anything?"

Zheng Ren snorted as he looked at his small young lady. He caught on what he was doing was savage however it was the most way he may think off. His eyes were stacked up with torment, however he flashed it absent as he continued.

"You were incapable to protect your cherished ones, whose shortcoming is that huh? You were incapable to undertake and keep a man!"

Feng Mei's whole body shuddered as his words rang in her ears. 'You were incapable to undertake and keep a man'

"You're genuinely miserable Feng Mei, you're very conceivably of the foremost exceptional person in this whole country be that as it may you're by and by a feeble, crybaby who is persistently choking in her trouble. Is it safe to say that you simply are the most person who has been hurt? You took a cut at finishing it all final week and typically your third endeavor. How around your kid be satisfied with you?!"

With the speed of lightning, Feng Mei came to stay some time recently her father, got him by the neck and hurled him against the divider.


An thing raising a ruckus around town sounded within the room.

Zheng Ren groaned as he stood up. He cleared the blood off of his mouth and saw his hands recolored with blood and jeered. He took a gander at his small young lady whose eyes were shining with deadly murdering point and grinned.

"It wasn't extraordinary right?. It all makes sense to me, you've got been harmed, harmed and you're feeling the world is foolish however you're redress, princess. The world is preposterous so instead of persistently crying in that room how approximately you channel that despise and move forward yourself and more grounded! People have to be shiver in fear when they realize whose small young lady you're. You're not essentially anybody. You're not kidding!" Zheng Ren irately thundered

"Solely by being more grounded and superior may you at any point protect yourself and your adored ones. You have got been as well obliging and kind that's the reason people can harmed you. I have arranged you for very a long time, you're the recipient to this domain. What will people say when they see you persistently crying in your room! Do you figure the enemies will let you go presently that you're at your most delicate? How long would you say you'll proceed to cry? It's been a year by and by, proceed on!"

Feng Mei saw her father and saw the inconvenience and defenselessness in his eyes. She caught on what he was talking around was substantial. She squinted absent her tears that were taking steps to drop and turned absent.

She was truly a slacker, she would have or maybe not gone up against reality and basically required to disappear. In any case, she never stopped to consider people who will persevere once she nibbles the tidy. Her father, who has until the end of time been there for herself as well as her small cousin whom she has to protect.

Zheng Ren came to stay some time recently her in a squint of an eye and pulled her in his arms. Yan Mei shoulders hung in disgrace as she cried. Zheng Ren felt bothered as his girl's tears smeared his shirt.

"If it's not too much trouble acknowledge my expressions of remorse. I was being self important." He communicated distressingly as he tapped her shoulders.

Feng Mei shook her head as she pulled absent from her father.

"You're adjust, crying wouldn't address anything." Feng Mei said as she cleaned her tears.

"I would be way better, more grounded and on the off chance that anybody hurts the person I cherish, I will cause the person to encounter a predetermination most appalling than passing!" Feng Mei said as she burrowed her nails in her palm.

Zheng Ren smiled as he kissed her sanctuary. "Be beyond any doubt , my young lady can do anything she needs. I will clean the wreck along these lines and no one can say anything." Feng Mei motioned as she compelled a smile


"On the off chance that it's not as well much inconvenience, let me go." A woman mumbled as she hyperventilates, crushes persistently running her eye.

This woman was a comparative person who had hit Lei Zhao final time.

"Would it be fitting for me I?" Yan Mei tended to and chuckled evilly.

"P-please." The woman contended as she looked at Yan Mei, fear composed all around her confront.

Yan Mei smiled dimly and saw her nails.

"Do you have got any thought around what you did? You harmed someone you shouldn't have." Yan Mei communicated blankly as she looked toward the woman.

"If you don't mind, If you don't mind acknowledge my statements of regret. I didn-" the woman swallowed her words when Yan Mei's infection eyes looked at her.

Yan Mei pulled her tongue at the edge of her cheek and checked out at the woman without any sentiments in her eyes.

"Would you like to know how I followed down you?" The woman chomped her lips as she looked at Yan Mei.

Yan Mei giggled, "after you sent some person to murder me, you never figured I will think simply are rectify?"

The lady's eyes broadened in fear and she made a walk back.

"How did you-".

"Discover out?" Yan Mei interfered on her as she stood up from the situate she was roosted on.

She blew a shriek and a man came interior.

The woman took a gander at the one who fair came in and her lips began shudder. She doesn't have the foggiest thought why however she dreaded within the significance of her stomach.