Ying Sheng

Lei Xiao Tong came to the shopping center to buy presents for her sister since tomorrow was her birthday. She had called Yan Mei to go with her however tragically, Yan Mei declined since she had a emergency assembly with an new client. Along these lines, she required to go with her niece, Ying Sheng.

"Close relative, what is it simply got to buy?"

Ying Sheng looked a small eager, however her mien was still awesome. She wouldn't indeed play with the plausibility of protesting since she owed her close relative.

Her close relative was the individual who had watched her when she had gotten a tattoo. She shivered at whatever point she recalled the deadly glint in her dad's eyes that day.

Her close relative was not some person who cherished shopping, so she was interested approximately what her close relative required to buy. Lei Xiao Tong realized her niece had until the end of time been hasty and touchy since she was a kid. Wearing a dim cotton shirt with a gold chain coordinated with camo pants and an inverse, her niece was the commonplace fraud with a major wind tattoo to her left side arm.

"You stinky youthful woman! Regardless of how irritable you may be, you would like to go with me nowadays. Moreover, you wish to dress like a authentic lady. How are you anticipated to marry into a great family with you dressing like this?"

Ying Sheng pretended worsening when she listened her close relative.

"Close relative, the one who cherishes me wouldn't see any issues the way in which I dress. He would cherish me for who I'm."

Lei Xiao Tong hurled a mumble, "Your father said he is organizing a marriage with the Xia family. He would show you all tomorrow, so I need to prompt you to suitably dress. Moreover, beware of that thing on your hand."

Ying Sheng increased her eyes, "What?! He is organizing a marriage for me? I'm as it were 21 a long time of age!"

Ying Sheng sanctuaries weaved in a glower.

"I was pregnant with my most important conceived when I was 21."

"In any case, it was anything but an organized marriage! Too, Uncle Lei truly did right by you!"

Disappointment crinkled in Ying Shing's eyes.

"I listened the energetic master of the Xia family is genuinely unusual! How seem father permit me to marry him?'

Lei Xiao Tong ended and went to see her, "Do not — "

Lei Xiao Tong was interfered on by a sensitive voice.

"Close relative Lei, would you say you're here, as well?"

Tang Wei was wearing a long white dress that made her see unadulterated and guiltless. Her long wavy hair hung down her back. In show disdain toward of the reality that her facial highlightsweren't idealize, her deportment was culminate.

"You are… ."

Lei Xiao Tong saw a woman with a wealthy identity walking towards her and frowned to some degree.Tang Wei required to go out to shop nowadays for the birthday work tomorrow. She didn't figure she would meet Lei Xiao Tong here!

She knew whether she kept up that Kin Lei ought to see her; she required to start with his mother. Getting Lei Xiao Tong's offer assistance would make things more direct for her! Mulling over Lei Zhao, Tang Wei was energized. She can barely hold back to have him at her benevolence.

"Close relative Lei, you can't keep in mind me, Tang Wei?"

Tang Wei scowled, her confront appearing to be an undesirable kid.

In Lei Xiao Tong's eyes, she looked delightful however Ying Sheng who was remaining adjoining to her close relative pretended compounding. She felt Tang Wei was as well self-absorbed and hearing her surrendered voice; she had the slant to upchuck.

She had never delighted in this woman!

Ying Sheng felt she was unreasonably self important, and the plotting completely look in her eyes at whatever point she took a gander at her cousin, Li Wei, didn't be overlooked by her. She inquired why that bonehead cousin of hers favored this white-lotus woman.

"Benevolent, it closes up being small Tang. I haven't seen you in quite a whereas. You've got really changed all through the course of later a long time. You're looking more dazzling," Lei Xiao Tong lauded as she smiled.

Hearing the irritation in Lei Xiao Tong voice, an darken flash went through Tang Wei's eyes. Since she required to fulfill Lei Xiao Tong to induce to Lei Zhao, she declared not to listen the offense in Lei Xiao Tong's voice.

Tang Wei took a gander at Ying Sheng and smiled, "Gracious… it's Ying Sheng!"

Tang Wei figured Ying Sheng would concur that welcome to her, be that as it may Ying Sheng ignored her and shared with Lei Xiao Tong, "Close relative, I will speak with father. See you tomorrow at the celebration."

Without sitting tight for Lei Xiao Tong's response, Ying Sheng cleared out without looking at Tang Wei.

Tang Wei saw Ying Sheng neglecting her and burrowed her nails into her palms to control her disappointment. She really couldn't stand Ying Sheng. She had reliably managed with her like a laborer at whatever point she gone to the Li house.

Ying Sheng utilized to danger her when they were kids since she didn't accept she ought to play with her cousins. When she gets to be Mrs. Lei, she would guarantee Ying Sheng pays for all the disgrace she had put her through!

"Ying Sheng has been demolished since she was a kid, do not care almost her," Lei Xiao Tong said, breaking Tang Wei out of her trance.

"It's okay, Close relative. Fair unwind, I'm not perturbed. Maybe she required to take off in a surge."

Lei Xiao Tong signaled when she saw and was induced that Tang Wei wasn'tangry.

"Close relative Lei, since Ying Sheng cleared out, let me go with you for shopping!"

Lei Xiao Tong reflected over everything and signaled. She may utilize a moment individual's viewpoint.


En route, Tang Wei kept on explore for subjects to talk about with Lei Xiao Tong and she proceeded to compliment her. In any case long Lei Xiao Tong cherished her, she would ask that Sibling Zhao take off that woman and marry her. Considering getting to be Lei Zhao's noteworthy other she couldn't stand up to the opportunity to urge energized.

From the starting, Lei Xiao Tong was uncommonly fractional to Tang Wei since she utilized to come to the Lei's domestic when she was a adolescent. Her fragile and sensible way made Lei Xiao Tong like her more.

Regardless, with coming about correspondence, she saw the contriving in Tang Wei's eyes and at whatever point she referenced Lei Zhao her eyes would gleam with a over the top see.

Lei Xiao Tong realized her child was hitched presently, and he really cherished his noteworthy other so she would have or maybe not given Tang Wei deceiving desire and she seem never allow her to mediated between Yan Mei and Lei Zhao.

People she loathed most were paramours and people who intervened in individuals' connections. She seem see how cheerful her child was these days, and she moreover genuinely delighted in her small young lady in-regulation.

Tang Wei was as it were an untouchable as long as she does nothing over the top, she won't care approximately her. In any case, when she considers for indeed a minute to annihilate their marriage, at that point she shouldn't blame her for being impolite.

"Miss Tang, it's Alright. My driver is here, you do not got to go with me any longer," Lei Xiao Tong said as she took her shopping sacks from Tang Wei's hands and cleared out without hanging tight for her response.

"Close relative, stand by!"

Tang Wei got down on Lei Xiao Tong, in any case she cleared out the shopping center without considering back.

Tang Wei clipped her fingers into her sensitive tissue until they made self-hurt marks as she stewed with shock.