
When the raising back wrapped up, Yan Mei and Lei Zhao said their goodbyes to his people and passed on the scene without trusting that the party will conclusion.

After twenty minutes they appeared up at their condo. Lei Zhao cleared out the vehicle advertising his hand to require care of Yan Mei. Yan Mei stunned with her heels and fell into his warm difficult chest.

Lei Zhao got her around her shoulders altering her upstanding. Brushing a bend absent from her confront Lei Zhao rested in and pressed a kiss on her sanctuary.

"Too bad." Yan Mei muttered.

Lei Zhao chuckled. "Wifey, I didn't know you're in a surge." He communicated winking at her.

A confuse frowned damaged on Yan Mei's confront, "In a surge for what?" She addressed.

"To be on beat of mine." Lei Zhao mumbled carefully in her ears.

His words blended something some place down in her center. She flushed and drove him absent. Lei Zhao snickered when he saw the ended up flushed all over. It's been very a whereas since he saw his noteworthy other ended up flushed, she looked charming.

They walked calmly arriving at the entryway, Lei Zhao rapidly opened the entryway and Yan Mei taken after him interior.

The moment she entered and closed the entryway, Lei Zhao pummeled his sensitive lips over hers. Her arms collapsed over his neck, remaining on the imply her toes.

Lei Zhao scooped her up in marriage fashion.

Yan Mei shrieked in stun. "Lei Zhao!"

Snickering, Lei Zhao passed on her without strain to their room. He set her on the ground and remained behind her.

Remaining behind her, he put his hands on her midsection and carefully built up a kiss on the twist where her neck meets her bear.

Her tissue shuddered, she seem feel his breath on her neck. His hands climbed his back and pulled the zipper of her dress steadily, kissing her bear blade.The dress tumbled to the floor.

"Rotate," he mumbled with need bound in his voice.

Yan Mei turned standing up to him with a small become flushed ruining her cheeks.

Lei Zhao gasped in appreciation. She was truly astounding. He dispensed with the clasp as distant absent from her as conceivable and it fell waves behind her.

Remaining in fair her bra and undies, Lei Zhao let out a shriek of appreciation. Yan Mei found him looking at her body with barely secured need. With the lights closed off, the sundown sneaked within the room keeping it from total shadowiness.

The moon shimmered brilliantly through the windows, it transmitted over her body, edifying her highlights in a glimmer. Lei Zhao couldn't stopped checking her out.

She looked dazzling, her long dull hair was pouring down her back and her astonishing hearty colored eyes reflected his claim appearance looking back at him. Her thick full lips inquired to be kissed, her firm bosom within the bra longed for the stroke. The edges of the abs on her level stomach were yearning for to be licked.

He went after her, pulling her adjacent until she was put against him.

"God, no question approximately it." He mumbled as he brushed his lips against hers. Her breath hitched as he kissed the edge of her mouth, at that point, at that point, he begun kissing and softly sucking on her jawline, her moved to her neck.

She raised her head to deliver him more wealth to her neck. He kissed and stroked her shoulders running his hands over her stomach. He kissed his heading down to her stomach, her navel and her hip bone, sending shivers along her spine.

Suddenly Yan Mei, cemented and made a walk back. Getting to be flushed bountifully, she ran into the restroom locking the entryway behind her.

Lei Zhao scowled, "What occurred?" he addressed within the calm room. Running a hand through his hair he walked towards the restroom.

"Wifey, what's up?! He beat on the entryway in any case Yan Mei was as well mortified to indeed think around talking.

"Wifey, say something." Lei Zhao said worriedly. He thought maybe he had hurt her without recognizing it.

Yan Mei agonizingly gotten a handle on her midsection, difficult issue assaulting her.

"I'm fi-ne." she moaned in a feeble voice bound with torment.

"Wifey, within the occasion simply do not open the entryway, I will break it." Lei Zhao said fretfully. He felt his palm getting sweat-soaked, he realized something was off-base from her voice.

Out of the blue the washroom entryway opened, revealing Yan Mei's pale confront.

"Wifey, what's up?" He inquired carefully.

Yan Mei gotten to be flushed, seeing her toes.

"I — I'm okay "

An startling draw interior her stomach obstruction with her. She held immovably at his suit. Lei Zhao was frightened by the startling alter in her way of carrying on. He checked out at his horrifying enunciation and sensitive held her bear.

She slowly looked toward him and saw him looking at her with a focused verbalization.

Yan Mei pulverized a fragile smile at him,

"You'll certainly unwind, it basically crushes. Slight torment in my midsection."

"How seem I not push when you're in torment? I can see it's anything but a slight torment. Direct me to encourage the exacerbation."

Lei Zhao talked his voice bound with stretch.

He was in torment seeing her like this, he realized hiscritical other was a strong woman. For her mien to be reshaped with torment, it appears how much anguish she was in.

Yan Mei's eyes spouted, hearing him. Maybe it was on the grounds that her feelings were destroyed that's the reason she required to cry be that as it may for the past five a long time she required to involvement alone. She had reliably felt colossal anguish amid this time.

"Much obliged to you." Lei Zhao motioned and scoured her back gently.

"Silly do not say much obliged to me. I would set up a hot shower for you to begin with. Stand by."

Yan Mei signaled miserably.


Yan Mei wrapped up cleaning up, when she came to the restroom she saw Lei Zhao hanging tight for her on the bed.

Throwing a groan, he coaxed at her.

"Come here." Yan Mei walked towards him.


When she sat on the bed, he made a difference her blow her hair. Yan Mei closed her eyes as his warm hands raked through her hair gently. She really adored the sensation of being ruined.

After Lei Zhao was wrapped up, he got the torment reliever and a glass of water on the bedstand and grant it to her.

"Here." Yan Mei gave him a grateful smile and took the pharmaceutical. Lei Zhao smiled at her and built up a fragile kiss on her sanctuary.

Putting the glass of water on the table, Lei Zhao tapped the bed,

"How around we rest." Yan Mei motioned and set down adjoining to him.

His gleam expeditiously hit her and she instantly snuggled confronting him. She crushed her back against his front and he collapsed his arms over her stomach sending warm all through her body.

"Too bad." Yan Mei mumbled.

Lei Zhao snickered, "Wifey, you owe me."

Yan Mei ended up flushed and motioned, she put her head on her chest. Paying consideration to his steady pulse she gestured off.