Chapter 17: Gathering Storm

The atmosphere at the jujutsu sorcerer school was thick with anticipation. The preparations for the upcoming assault on the ritual site were well underway, but beneath the surface, a sense of dread loomed. Everyone knew that this was more than just another battle—this was the beginning of something far greater, something that could change their world forever.

Ramon stood in the training hall, his body tense with anticipation. He had been here for hours, pushing himself to the limits, sharpening his skills. The wooden dummies around him were scorched and shattered, evidence of the relentless training he had subjected himself to. But even as he perfected his techniques, his mind kept drifting to the same thought: Were they truly ready for what was to come?

As he prepared to launch another attack, Ligaya materialized beside him. Her presence was both comforting and unsettling, a reminder of the immense power he held within him.

"You're wearing yourself out," Ligaya said, her voice tinged with concern. "Pushing too hard before a battle can be just as dangerous as not pushing hard enough."

Ramon paused, lowering his stance. He knew she was right, but the anxiety gnawing at him was hard to shake. "I know, but I can't help it. I keep thinking about what's going to happen, about what's at stake."

Ligaya floated closer, her form shimmering in the dim light. "Fear is natural, Ramon. But don't let it consume you. You have to focus, to channel that energy into something productive. We're in this together, remember?"

Ramon nodded, taking a deep breath. Ligaya's words grounded him, helping him to regain some measure of control over his turbulent emotions. "You're right. We need to be at our best if we're going to stop that ritual."

As they talked, the door to the training hall creaked open, and Sofia stepped inside. She looked different—more focused, more determined. The battle the night before had changed them all, hardening their resolve.

"Ramon, Judge wants us to meet in the strategy room," Sofia said, her voice calm but firm. "We've received some new intel about the ritual site."

Ramon's heart skipped a beat. The intel could be the final piece they needed to ensure their success. He quickly grabbed his jacket, and together with Sofia and Ligaya, made his way to the strategy room.

The room was already filled with the senior sorcerers, their expressions serious. Judge stood at the head of the table, his eyes scanning a large map laid out before him. As Ramon, Sofia, and Ligaya entered, he gestured for them to join the circle.

"We've just received confirmation from our scouts," Judge began, his tone grave. "The enemy is making final preparations for the Ascension ritual. It will take place in three days, at the peak of the full moon."

The room was silent as the weight of Judge's words settled over them. Ramon's mind raced, trying to process the implications. Three days. That wasn't much time, but it was enough—if they moved quickly and decisively.

"The ritual site is located in an ancient underground temple beneath Manila," Judge continued, pointing to a specific location on the map. "It's heavily fortified with curses, some of which are tied to the most powerful entities in Philippine mythology. These are not ordinary curses—we're dealing with beings of immense power, capable of overwhelming even the strongest sorcerers."

Sofia frowned, her gaze fixed on the map. "What kind of entities are we talking about?"

Judge's expression darkened. "Legends speak of the *Aswang*, the *Tikbalang*, and even the *Manananggal*. These are curses that have taken on mythological forms, drawing power from the fear and belief of the people. They're almost like gods in their own right."

Ramon felt a chill run down his spine. He had heard of these creatures, the stuff of nightmares whispered about in Filipino folklore. But to face them in battle was another thing entirely. He exchanged a glance with Ligaya, who looked more focused than ever.

"We'll need to be strategic," Judge said, bringing the conversation back to the plan. "Our primary objective is to disrupt the ritual before it can be completed. To do that, we need to divide our forces. One team will create a diversion on the surface, drawing the enemy's attention away from the temple. Another team will infiltrate the temple from below, using the sewers to gain access."

Sofia nodded, already thinking ahead. "What about the curses? We'll need to split our best fighters to deal with them."

Judge agreed. "That's why I'm assigning Ramon and Ligaya to take on the *Tikbalang*. Its domain is the gateway to the temple, and without taking it down, the infiltration team won't be able to proceed. Sofia, you and Dante will handle the *Aswang*. The rest of us will engage the *Manananggal* and any other curses that appear."

Ramon's heart pounded in his chest as Judge laid out the plan. The *Tikbalang* was said to be a powerful curse, a guardian of the forest capable of manipulating its surroundings and driving its enemies mad. It would be a battle of wits as much as strength, and Ramon knew that his bond with Ligaya would be crucial.

"We need to stay sharp," Ligaya whispered to him. "The *Tikbalang* is a trickster. It'll try to get inside your head, make you doubt yourself. We have to be stronger than that."

Ramon nodded, his resolve hardening. "We'll take it down. We have to."

The next three days were a blur of preparations. The students and sorcerers worked around the clock, honing their skills, refining their strategies. Ramon and Ligaya trained tirelessly, practicing their synchronization until their movements were perfectly in sync. Every second counted, and they couldn't afford any mistakes.

On the eve of the battle, the tension was almost unbearable. Ramon stood on the rooftop of the school once more, staring out at the city that they were sworn to protect. The moon hung low in the sky, its glow a reminder of the looming deadline. Ligaya appeared beside him, her presence calming his racing thoughts.

"We're ready," Ligaya said, her voice a steady anchor in the storm of emotions swirling inside him. "No matter what happens tomorrow, we'll face it together."

Ramon took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the responsibility on his shoulders. "We have to win, Ligaya. There's no other option."

As the night stretched on, Ramon felt a sense of calm settle over him. The storm was coming, and he was ready to face it head-on. The battle ahead would be fierce, but he was not alone. With Ligaya by his side, he would fight with everything he had—to protect his city, to stop the Ascension ritual, and to ensure that the darkness threatening to consume Manila would be driven back.

The morning sun broke over the horizon, casting a golden light over the school grounds. The time had come. With one final look at the city below, Ramon turned away from the edge, ready to face the battle that awaited him.