The sword makes waves


My mind went blank, and I was so excited. Finally, the rookie was about to counterattack, and he really made me complete a self-created move. It was so cool. After drawing the sword, my attack power increased by 10%. This effect was so awesome. Although I am now The attack power is only 6-6 points, and the 10% attack power is almost nothing. But when the level is high and the equipment is strong, the buff effect will naturally be extremely powerful. Moreover, my future weapons are destined to be sword-based, otherwise This skill is useless!

I pondered for a long time, what name should I choose? Such a sharp move...

Finally, an idea flashed in my head, and a name jumped out: Jian Qi Ripples!

Well, this name is very appropriate. After drawing the sword, it is destined to be a killing. This is just a process of raising the sword, and it is just the prelude to a battle. Just use this!


System prompt: Congratulations, the naming is successful. This skill is the first SS-level skill in the entire server. Do you want to disclose your identity?

Click negate quickly and keep a low profile! Keeping a low profile is not for luxury, but to save life. Since ancient times, anything good in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. Once my identity is made public, I don't know how many pursuits I will face. I am not afraid of being famous but I am afraid of being beaten! It's good now. I'm a Level 1 Hanging Pot Healer. Even the real masters don't bother to step on me. This feeling is so wonderful...


The system congratulates player xxxx for understanding the SS-level skill Sword Rising!

From visual inspection, the entire server is about to go berserk.

Soon, a sword-like pattern flashed in the skill bar. My first passive skill and second skill appeared, and they were rated at SS level. There was also the Hemostasis Technique of the Hanging Pot Healer, d Level rating, well, it is the worst health-increasing skill, but it is also very good. It can restore health at least.

Sword Ripples (SS): After drawing the sword, the attack power increases by 10%, no energy is consumed, and there is no skill level.

Hemostasis lv-1 (d): Heals 50 points of qi and blood, consuming 5 magic points. Current proficiency is 0/100, level 1.

I'm ready, finally, it's time for me to go out and explore the world!

Carrying the iron sword, I finally stepped out of the Novice Village 24 hours after the server was launched. At the same time, there were no supplies in the package, or I couldn't afford any supplies at all, but if you take your time, you will have everything.

Outside the novice village, densely packed players are killing grass dogs on the edge of the jungle. Grass dogs are level 1-2 monsters and the lowest level monsters. Those worthless guys...

I avoided the player peak and found another road. There was still a dense forest to the north of Caogou Village, but the marks on the map were a little red, which was obviously not suitable for my level, but I could still give it a try. I had a natural advantage. It can fight and milk, and also has the support of Jian Qi Bolan, although in fact Jian Qi Bolan does not have much effect at the moment.

In the distance, several players were arguing over a piece of white plate armor, shouting loudly: "This equipment can be sold for at least 20 copper coins. It must be given to us. We are the main force of DPS!"

I couldn't help but sneer: "Nothing!"

Looking down, he saw a copper coin glowing charmingly in the setting sun. He quickly stepped on it and picked it up quietly after looking around for no one.

Hey, get rich! I have today too! !

The previous money was spent on repairing weapons, and now all I have is this copper coin. I don't know which idiot killed the idiot and didn't even take the copper coin. What a waste!

Continuing forward, we bypassed several locations where Straw Dogs were entrenched, and the surrounding players became increasingly sparse. Clumps of bushes were densely covered in the jungle area, and Straw Dogs were haunted.

A few seconds later, a low roar came. Finally, I encountered the first monster I could see, which was a ferocious hyena. nnd, this novice village is surrounded by dogs!

Hyena (common monster)

Level: 3

Attack: 7-11

Defense: 3

Qi and blood: 150

Skills: None

Okay, level 3 monsters, kill two to upgrade to level 1, that's it!


The iron sword was unsheathed, and the sword rippled and strengthened itself. The attack power increased by 10%. He stepped forward. Before he could get close, the hyena was already howling and rushing over. He had no skills and just opened his mouth to bite!

I grabbed my hand, and before the hyena bit me, the iron sword had already landed on its forehead. With a "snap" sound, it caused 12 points of damage. At the same time, the hyena also bit my calf, biting down and bringing me down. It took 25 points of damage, tsk tsk, it was twice my damage power!

However, my attack speed was fast. I struck several swords continuously, causing the hyena to howl. Seeing that the monster's energy and blood dropped slower than mine, I was not in a hurry. When the energy and blood dropped to the point where I took two damage, I immediately raised my hand. A ray of holy light fell, stopping the bleeding!


It's so powerful, it can pump and breast milk, it's the kingly way! !

After a few clicks, I knocked the hyena over, and the experience bar jumped by a full 50%. At the same time, the hyena fell down with a groan, and 2 copper coins exploded. I picked it up briskly, and the harvest was good...

Continuing forward, after cutting down the second hyena, a golden light shrouded me, and I was promoted to level 1. I broke through the level 1 mark. I was already a level 2 Xuanhu healer. All 10 attribute points are still added to the strength value. The Xuanhu Doctor's strength growth is only 05 and only adds 5-5 attack power. If it is replaced by a Berserker, it will be an 11-11 point attack power bonus. This That's the disadvantage...

The sword takes the wrong direction, continue, bt will die!

After killing dozens of hyenas, I saw that my magic value had bottomed out. A hemostasis spell cost 5 magic points, and my total magic points were only 60. Without healing skills, I was looking for death here. Fortunately, I upgraded at this time. At level 3, the demon is full of blood, and 10 points are added to the strength. The whole person becomes a powerful nanny.

Carefree and free (Xuanhu doctor trainee)

Level: 3

Attack: 11-13

Defense: 4

Life: 120

Magic: 70

Charm value: 0

Although Xuan Ke Healer is born with a strength deficiency, if he uses better weapons, he can still break through the defenses of monsters of the same level. If he can break through the defenses, it can increase his health, so he doesn't have to worry about dying. In a protracted battle, , has the ability to survive in the wild better than any other profession, great, just increase the points with all your strength, the magic value is not enough, you must have supplies, otherwise you won't last long.

Well, kill here for a while and earn 50 copper coins, then you can go back and buy some medicine. With the medicine, you can continue to go deeper and kill higher-level monsters.


The iron sword chopped off a hyena's head, and another 2 copper coins exploded. I picked it up and continued to kill it. As the level increased, the attack power also increased accordingly. Killing the hyena no longer requires too much energy and blood, and it became easier for me. .

After crossing a bush, and further forward, in the distance there were black bears entrenched in the forest. They were level 5 monsters with very high attack power, defense power and vitality.

Holding the iron sword tightly, I took a deep breath and tried to kill one. If I couldn't kill one, I would run away!

I was still about 10 yards away from the black bear, and I had already attracted the hatred value. The beast roared suddenly, and rushed over with its huge body, its dark hair standing on end, and raised its sharp claws to strike!


Blood splattered, and the battle scenes in the game were very realistic. There was blood on my shoulder, and the damage numbers were flying.


nnd, it hurts so much!

He hurriedly swung his sword to attack, but only dealt 15 points of damage. He continued to attack, and at the same time "brushed" a light of hemostasis, restoring 50 points of qi and blood. Once the CD was reached, he immediately continued to recover!


The black bear suddenly opened its mouth, bit my arm, dragged and shook it, and released a large amount of blood.


Damn, a fatal blow!

I was so scared that my life was going to stay here?

I stepped on the fallen leaves and quickly took two steps back. The black bear rushed at me again. I opened the distance and bought me a short period of time to avoid being attacked. of blood.

It was just an ordinary level 5 monster. It beat me for nearly half a minute. Finally, the black bear screamed and died when I only had 41 points of blood left!


When the monster dies, it is accompanied by the sound of items falling. It is not just the sound of copper coins falling, but also a piece of equipment. Yes, it is a clumsy-looking wrist guard!

Flying forward, I picked it up and took a look, tsk tsk, it's not bad.

Black Bear Gloves (White Equipment)

Type: Armor

Defense: 7

Required Level: 4

I can't equip the armor, so forget it and sell it for money. It's white equipment anyway, so no one should want it.

There are 5 copper coins on the ground. The high-level monster is much more generous than the hyena. Pick it up, turn around and leave, not to fight the wild bear. The attack power of this thing is too high. My energy and blood are so thin that I can't bear it at all, let alone me. The equipment on his body, except for a sword, is all empty, and his bare feet are fighting with others. What kind of trouble is this?

Continuing to kill hyenas, it was much easier to kill level 3 at level 3. It took more than an hour to reach level 4. At the same time, there were as many as 47 copper coins in the package, making him look like a nouveau riche.

I turned around and saw that many players had already come to level up. This is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's go back to the city to tidy up and buy some potions before going to a more advanced map!

Holding the iron sword, I lowered my head and walked on the edge of the bush. At this time, a group of people came towards me. A level 6 barbarian player carrying a battle ax shouted at me: "Hey, friend, practice here. Level, have you found any equipment that warriors can use?"

I silently took out the black bear armor from the package and said, "White equipment, no attributes, do you want it?"

The barbarian chuckled: "Where is the 7-point defense? It is the first choice for T, of course. How much does it cost?"

I glanced at it: "The store price is 21 copper coins, can you pay it?"

"Okay!" The barbarian said generously, "How about 50 copper coins?"

"Yeah, deal!"

A few seconds later, the transaction was completed, I picked up my sword and left. There were nearly 100 copper coins in the package, which was almost converted into 1 silver coin!

Returning to Cao Gou Village, I sold some level 2 armors and leather white equipment that I had discovered from Hyena Killer. Finally, I had 121 copper coins in the package! I glanced at the cloth armor in the equipment store. It's a level 2 robe, +2 defense, and it costs 70 copper coins. It's too expensive. I don't want it anymore. The equipment is waiting to be exploded from the monster!

I came to the drugstore and got a level 1 blue potion, which restored 50 magic points and cost 5 copper coins each. I bought one in one go. After repairing the iron sword, I only had 1 copper coin left. I looked like a bare-butt rookie!

Go out, the journey of leveling up violent tits has officially begun!