Domain's POV

I walked from side to side my mind in nothing but total chaos. Why on earth would my dad sell me off to such an area? 

I was so certain my work was to fight and kick some butt but seeing myself in such a hunger strike area was so not fair, they din't give shit about what I wanted. All they they were blubbering about was their struggle to change the good for nothing son of our nation's ruler. 

Well I was sure to fulfill their wish my own way. I looked at the handsome young man wondering around the area like a fool not knowing where to go or what to do. 

My dad's expectation was that I rescue the guy immediately he was left alone like a homeless stray cat he was at the moment. Of course I agreed to do exactly as they said but my plans somehow became different after ensuring that the place was out of every risk. 

My eyes run through my body and I smirked looking at how disgusting I looked at the moment. No military garments for me anymore. I looked at the old damaged rag like clothes they made me put on for complete disguise. 

I could tell no one would notice my beauty as I clearly resembled the dust in the area. I blamed my stupid self for struggling to join the military and follow in my dad's footsteps. 

My team and I had been sent in that particular area a month earlier to familiarize with the place before the so called Sebastian was sent here. 

I knew of a life support village keeping a few humans but sadly survival was still for the fittest. The villagers lived to see dead bodies of their loved ones often. 

The few essentials sent to us were no more, I decided to give them as a donation to the few people we found truly in need of those.

"Hey what are you doing here alone in such an area." I asked after some days of following secretly behind him. I was certain we were closer to the village. How it felt to see the lion king of our nation's son in a miserable condition. 

Well if not for him none of us would be in such a place. Everything was his f*king fault. 

"Hey, you stay in this horrible place?" He asked but in our second language, of course I understood everything he said but I had to pretend not to understand and he kind of mused but miserably.  

"Sorry I forgot about my presence in a foreign world." He said walking away and I had to do something because I knew he was gonna loose it soon. 

"You look so miserable, do you need some water and food perhaps?" I asked and he turned towards me nodding pitifully. 

I asked him to sit and he did, oh how disgusting the situation seemed but since I had the chance to frustrate the high ranked officials I'd definitely use it well. 

The few pieces of roasted meet I'd saved for him were all we had and for our next meal we were sure to go searching like the other people did for survival. 

"So what are you doing here?" He asked after swallowing all the water down his throat. Useless guy, he din't even consider leaving some for me neither did he say thank you. 

"My mom and I live here." I said and he turned to me surprised shifting his eyes from the environment we were currently in and me. I expected him to say something weird but instead he smiled and asked me for accommodation. 

      Sebastian's POV

I suddenly became hopeful, she was my hope to finally live as a human. Despite the fact that it wouldn't be as fancy as I was used to, it would definitely be much better than the life I used to live a few days ago.

"How can we invite a stranger like you to our home? What if you are some spy or a dangerous guy?" She asked raising a questioning brow and I could find some sense in what she said. 

Who the heck was I? Sebastian Yates? I really was not him, the one and only son of the first family back in my country? 'Hahaha.' I laughed at how funny the statement should be to whoever I'd reveal my real identity to. 

Such a wonderful trip my dad arranged for me, a trip that made me realize how lucky I was to be born not only as a his son with money and power but also in Kenya. An area blessed with wonderful plantations, the best atmospheric conditions and wonderful senary's. 

"Iam..." I was about to give an identity of myself but again I stopped to ask myself the exact same question. 'Who the heck was I at the moment? I settled for one, a nobody well of course I was a nobody who had no one to call family at the moment. 

"Iam a nobody, incapable of being dangerous." I said and I could see the back of her lips curved into a sweet smile. 

"I'll take you home to my mom, you can tell her that and be creative enough to bribe your stay." She said and I nodded though lost, bribe my way in? How exactly was I to do that when I had no penny on me. 

I knew bribing would take nothing but money which I had none. Anyways at that point I would do nothing but try.
