
Seb woke up earlier than usual but to his surprise, Domain was long awake and already prepared to leave for who knows where.

"Any plans for today?" He asked and and Domain shook her head, she had zero plans for the day. "Then why wake up so early?" Seb asked his eyes focused outside through the window. It was still dark with some chatter of birds obviously welcoming yet another day of struggle.

"Because I just felt like." Domain said as a matter of fact but deep down in her mind she had a plan. How could she not have a plan when her own life was in question?

How could she stay quiet and not do anything when her own father was up against her life. Was he really her father? How could her biological father put her life at risk? What would he stand to gain?

Domain was sure that he had an evil plan behind everything, Senior was not the person to put in too much when there was little to nothing for him to gain. It was obvious that he was exchanging her own precious life with something more precious.

One thing broke her heart though, was there any other precious thing in the entire world apart from his own biological daughter? Something was definitely not right, she had to dig deeper into everything and find out why her father would sell her off to death.

All she wanted was to figure out why Senior would want Sebastian dead to the point that he'd offer his own daughter to die alongside him. What happens after Seb is dead? Obviously there would be no one next in line to rule after Alexander.

Domain had a secret revelation about the first family's life affair and hidden secrets from her father. She heard that Myra was not Alexander's biological daughter and would never stand a chance of taking over his leadership since it was a bloodline thing.

Would her father be into that? Would he really be sacrifing her in order to give room for a democratic government? If that was the case then his brother would be next in line because he studied politics.

If that's the case then she would help her father ensure of that. It would be simple for her than anyone else. She would be in the best position to kill Sebastian and ask her father to accept her back home as what happened would be tammed as bad luck and she would be the only surviver during the explosion.

Seb was done taking his bath and dressed in some pants Domain had selected for him. "Stay safe and don't leave this place at all costs." He said walking out to go find himself a job to ensure there upkeep.

Domain smiled, he should take care instead of her, he should be watchful for his life was more at risk than hers. Imagine being killed by someone you trained yourself to trust and accept.

Because of his foolish behavior as the presidents son, she equally got in danger. If not for that stupid boy then she would be enjoying her life in a huge fancy room.

Domain was bright, she knew everyone's phone number and contacting them would not be a problem. She looked left, right and finally all sides in confirmation that no one trailed her movements.

Domain smiled devilishly dropping off some coins and finally dialed her father's number which connected immediately. "Father," she called and Senior froze in place. His good for nothing men had reported her death to him stating clearly that Sebastian equally died in the explosion.

Senior had doubted that but still din't do anything. He knew how brave his daughter was and that she would not have died in a mere explosion. Like Sentron the feared agent he knew Domain was also to be feared.

The same training process underwent by Sentron, Domain had taken part. As much as she din't fully complete in the fear of loosing her womanly appearance, she was equally one of a kind.

"Sweetheart, you really survived as father expected." Senior said his voice slightly shaken.

"Yes father, Sebastian equally survived the explosion," She paused and smiled pretending she din't know of her father's connection to everything that happened to them.

Senior's anger grew beyond measure, how the heck did Sebastian survive ? It must have something to do with his daughter Aria though he equally found the Domain name fancy.

"However, he din't survive for long, he couldn't make it out because he was terribly injured." Domain said with a smirk. "The only remains he left behind to give an evidence of himself is his torn and bloody clothes." She added the words just as thought all night.

"My men and I will come for Sebastian's clothes, You'll have to explain to Alexander why you were the only surviver and not his son but I'll help you with that." He said and hung up after a meeting place agreement.

"Uggh!" Senior threw his phone running his hands through his hair. "The general is so stupid for an ally and I'll be sure to complete that task myself." He said leaving his mansion and heading straight towards his private jet.

Domain walked back to their shady apartment and waited for Seb to show up. "What happened?" She asked the frustrated Sebastian.

"I got absolutely nothing, not even a hotel waiter." He said and Domain smirked.

"It's not like you'll get lucky every day, I'll help you with a shortcut tomorrow." She said looking at his messed up hair.

"As you wish." He said walking back to his room.