Why do I enjoy this?

Calyx and Cass raced through the alleyway; Calyx trailed behind Cass only because she was the one leading the way. As they ran, he could feel it, hear it even—they were still being pursued.

All of this because of the fight against Azkai? He couldn't help but wonder if it was truly worth the trouble, but that wonder lasted only a few moments. The eyes he now had were definitely worth it.

Calyx halted as Cass stopped in front of what could be described as a hidden garage, even if it was not intended to be so; it sure had all the attributes of something hidden. It rested in the shadows of the shallow alleyway of the district.

Cass shoved a key into the side, causing it to open. As the garage door slid up, what it held within it slowly came into view.