152: Lady Everglade's offer!

"I will grant you the esteemed privilege of entering the garden of curses belonging to the Everglade Family. Should you possess the necessary skills and prowess, you may bring out any single item from its confines. Regardless of the item's immense value or potent power, we, the distinguished members of the Everglade lineage, shall permit you to claim it as your own. This, I solemnly swear upon my esteemed name and the authoritative position I hold as the Head of the Everglade Family.

"In return for this generous offer, I request you to bind yourself to a sacred oath, an oath to extend forgiveness towards my son and to let the grievances surrounding this incident dissipate here, without resorting to involving the higher authorities that oversee our realm," Lady Everglade expressed to Valerius, who intertwined his fingers, seemingly contemplating her offer.