Damian was still in shock as I narrated my Manager's story to him.

"Jeez!....that man is a pervert!, He should be arrested and sued to court for sexual harassment" he snapped.

"Look I don't want to aggravate the issue, it's better off that he fired me....I mean I believe in a couple of days I should get another job." I said as I siped another drink.

"But that man really needs to be dealt with, if I was in your shoes I wouldn't let this slide...he wouldn't even dare to look me in the eye and tell him to have sex with him" Damian counted.

"You know I'm not angry with the fact that he is bisexual, I mean it's totally okay with me cuz we're in the 21st century but telling a straight guy to have sex with you and blackmailing him with his job is way out of it. Like he really did cross his boundary big time. Everyone is entitled to their sexuality so you don't need to force someone to do something he's not comfortable with." I altered.

"You're really taking this matter so calmly and gently, anyways let him thank his stars it wasn't me he encountered. Him for don collect wotowoto " he snapped.

I chuckled as I saw the seriousness in his countenance like he was the one in my shoes.

"So what about Rita your girlfriend? How is she doing?" I asked

"Well she's fine, she actually went out to see her friend and she'll be back perhaps in the evening " he replied.

"Hmmm... this one she moved in with you, you guys will be at it every night I suppose " I said as I chuckled.

"Who told you she moved in with me? She's just staying for a couple of days, she would be leaving some " he counted.

"Above all make sure you use CONDOMS so you both won't have a child out of wedlock" I advised " And also it should be an original condom because of the size of your penis, aggressive thrusting could burst the rubber " I added.

" You're crazy man...who told you I had a gigantic penis?" He said as he threw a pillow at me.

"Come on I wasn't blind when I came to your room and saw you jerking off" I said as I got ready to run.

" Screw you man!!!!" he jolted up as he chased me to punch me.

I laughed as we ran around like kindergartens.


It was night already as I had arrived home from Damian's house, I heard no noise around the house as I assumed my sister and her husband might have gone to sleep.

I took a quick shower as I made my way to the kitchen to help myself with dinner, I had semo and egusi soup which was my favorite.

I was done eating as I headed to my room and began watching a movie titled was an horror movie and I enjoyed it so much because I was a fan of horror stories.

Suddenly my phone rang as I viewed the caller ID which displayed 'UNKNOWN NUMBER ' I picked the call and answered as I heard a baritone voice which means it was a man on the phone.

" Hello" I said

" Hello boss, please am I speaking to Mr Daniel?" The caller asked.

"Yes this is Mr Daniel how may I help you?" I asked as I sat up.

"Please boss, I really need your help please" he altered as though he was desperate.

"My help? How do you mean Mr....."I said as he interrupted

" name is Godwin, please boss I really need your help about my sex life, my fiancee don't seem to be enjoying sex with me and it's really affecting our relationship" he lamented

I was shocked and confused as I became speechless and mute, how was it possible a guy called me at the middle of the night to ask for my advice on his sex life. How crazy was that?

"Hello please are you there sir" he asked as he observed the silence.

"Wait hold on .....let me stop you there. First who gave you my number to call me?" I asked inquisitively.

" was Damian that gave me your number this evening, you know he has been familiar with my problems so he advised me to call you because you're a good SEX THERAPIST" He explained.

"Wait....what!!! mean Damian gave you my number claiming I was a sex therapist?" I asked again.

" there something wrong? Please sir I'm really sorry I'm calling you this late but please you have to help me, I really love that girl and I wouldn't want our relationship to crash because of our dissatisfying sexual activities" he pleaded.

I became mute again as I was sentimental with the guy's words. I exhaled sharply as I agreed to help him.

"Alright I'll try..." I said as he interrupted

"Oh thanks so much boss" he appreciated.

"But it won't be on the phone okay, I'll send you my address for an appointment tomorrow by 9am so we can discuss better" I said.

"Alright thank you sir, I will be waiting for the address" he said.

"Alright.... goodnight" I altered

"Goodnight and thanks again" he added as he ended the call.

I dropped my phone on the bed as I became furious all of a sudden that I took my phone and dialed Damian's number.

It rang countless times as he finally picked, I wasn't hearing his voice clearly, I only heard moaning in the background.

"Hello Damian" I snapped.

"Mmm .....yeah...fvck... hello who's this?" He whispered.

"Are you on drugs or something? Didn't you save my number? And why the hell will you give my number to a total stranger to call me in the middle of the night to ask for sex advice?" I yelled exasperatedly.

He said nothing as I heard banging sounds and moaning, he was obviously having sex with his girlfriend Rita but why the hell will he pick my call?

" You know what Damian? SCREW YOU!!!" I yelled as I ended the call and fell back on the bed.

I couldn't wrap my head off what just happened, like this people are really trying to make me a sex therapist. I turned to the other side of the bed as I started hearing some weird noises, I sat up as I listened closely.

"Ahhhh.....mmmmm..... yeah.....spank me hard daddy!!!!!....fu*k yeah" the voice which sounded like Evelyn's voice echoed.

I began to hear the creaking sound of their bed stand as they moaned loudly, it was coming from my sister's room. I couldn't believe I was surrounded with sex freaks.

"Yeah.... yeah baby... yeah I'm close, I'm gonna cum.... I'm Cumming yeah....ohhhhhhhh" her husband groans as he had obviously reached orgasm.

I fell on the bed again as I covered my ears with my pillow as I heard their final words.

"That was awesome..... should we go for another round?" Michael's faded voice sounded.

"Absolutely.... sweetie" Evelyn replied.