Chapter 45: The Revenge Starts With A 'Banger!'**

Arriving back in the Xiao family mansion, Xiao Cheng made his way to his private chambers. He walked up to his closet and opened a secret compartment under his bed. Inside of it there was a large chest which he took out with care. 

After scanning the room with thorough eyes, he opened the chest which revealed some spirit stones that were shining dimly. They were way worse than the one Noah used for his cultivation, beside them was a yellow paper. 

Removing his eyes from the stones he picked up the yellow paper and pushed his qi through it. The paper lit up, after a few seconds a commanding voice came from it.

"What do you want? I believe we don't have any cooperation going on." Hearing the tone from the other side, Xiao Cheng was neither angered nor surprised. With cold eyes he just replied.

"The heir of the Long family was discarded along with his mother-" 

The rough voice cut him off in between before he could finish.