Chapter 52: Yuan Ming's Past! Chen Yueyan!!

Yuan Ming was a commoner, no one cared about him unless he talked to them. He was an orphan and had no one to talk to. When he was younger he saw a girl being bullied because of her complexion. 

At first he chose to ignore it but then he felt something telling him that he might regret not helping that girl. He turned around to help her only to see that someone had already saved the girl and the feeling he felt also disappeared.

He thought it was an illusion and decided to ignore the feeling. One day he was hunting for some wild animals to sell and caught himself being chased by a wild boar who he could not kill because he broke his sword.

In desperation he walked deeper inside the jungle and came across a cave, which crumbled as soon as he entered. In that came he saw this sword being placed beside a dead body and there was a ring on the finger of that skeleton.