Chapter 74: Noah Discovers a Secret!

After sitting there with Xin Yan and Elysia for a while Noah took his leave and walked to the place near the lake. He started walking at the shore of the lake. 

He found the serene reflection of the stars and moon flashing in the lake calming and soothing. 

The tranquility in the water seemed to be resounding with his soul. 



A loud noise of leaves being crushed under someone's feet brought Noah from his reverie, he sharply turned to look in that direction.

The moment of distraction made him unable to notice that someone got inside his sense range.

A couple of meters away he could sense an aura sneaking around and he decided to follow that aura.


Using the concealment seal he silently appeared a little far away from the aura and saw a frail looking man sneakily walking towards a camp. He did not immediately follow the man because he sensed something amiss.