Chapter 162: Secret of the Three Sects!

"Jiang Shi! Why are you telling him about that thing? It is a secret that the sect leader told us not to tell anyone outside our Sect!"

Xueyan reprimanded her with a sharp look on her face, she was well aware of what they might face if their sect leader became aware of the fact that they leaked a secret of the sect outside.

"Are you still thinking about the sect, senior sister? They Are Not Here To Save Us! EVEN THE DISCIPLE WE FOUND PREVIOUSLY IGNORED US AS IF WE WERE AIR!!" The more Jiang Shi spoke the angrier she got, unknown to her cracks started to appear on her frozen heart. 

She started lashing out all the frustration and emotions she had bottled up in her.

The frozen heart was a result of their cultivation technique and she was unaware of the changes and cracks that were appearing around it, at the moment she was just raging out. Letting her emotions surface to the fullest.