Chapter 266: Making a Friend? (Part2)

"I did do you a favor because I need something from you." Noah smiled before leaning back into his chair. "I helped you because I found you interesting."I did you a favor because I need something from you," Noah smiled before leaning back into his chair. "I helped you because I found you interesting."

"No, you are not interesting enough for me to change my preferences," Noah rolled his eyes seeing the disgusted look on the man's face.

"Ahem! That's a relief," the man coughed before nodding in satisfaction. "With such a beautiful woman in my arms, I don't want to feel put off, if you know what I mean."

He started flirting with the woman around him while waiting for Noah to continue. Noah rolled his eyes and looked around the place.

"Young Master, do you want me to pour you a drink?" One of the courtesans came forward and started to use seductive moves while offering Noah a drink.