Chapter 289: Emperor's Wrath

While searching, his hands touched a sheet of paper, and suddenly the sound stopped coming. What followed next made him wish that the buzzing had not stopped.

"Hey, you little shit!! Where are you? I am looking for you all over the place!"


The whole room turned silent, hearing the heavy sound of a man cursing the Emperor. Despite how charming the voice seemed, the fact that it was cursing the Emperor of the Feng Empire, Feng Wuhan, the same person who was feared and respected by many.

Everyone looked at the lost look on the Emperor's face with curiosity, wondering what he would do next.

'Do you think he would kill that person?' the redhead asked the woman sitting beside her with a grin on her face. Clearly, she had something wrong with her head, or that would not have been the first thing that would have come to his mind.