Chapter 292: The Secret Hideout! Entering the Domain!

"Well, I am sorry about that, but this was important; after all, this concerns your Feng Empire."

"How…?" Seeing the smug look on Noah's face, Wuhan felt like tearing the skin off of the boy's body.

But right now, his curiosity was more dominant than the anger in his heart.

"I am just that good at reading a person." Noah replied with a proud grin on his face, "And you are wearing the emperor robes with a seal stamped 'Feng' on your waist."

Wuhan immediately looked down and saw himself still wearing the emperor's robes and the cloak or what was left of it.

Since the cloak was a simple piece of cloth, it was shredded in the air during his chase.

"So, what makes the emperor build a sect of his own like this, hidden from everyone and even hiding your identity like that?" Noah's voice was laced with genuine curiosity.

"Aren't you good at deducing things?" Wuhan did not back down and shrugged at him. "Try to find the answer by yourself."