Chapter 362: The Real Fight Has Yet To Start!

"There is a way and there is not as well." Noah's words echoed in the silent room, creating a mysterious tension.

"You mean you can deal with the curse and you cannot deal with it at the same time?" Wuhan narrowed his listening to Noah's vague words. He seemingly understood what the man wanted to convey.

"I can deal with it, but there are some situations in which I cannot deal with the curse. The curse they use does not just change the mind but it also binds the soul into submission to the will of another person." Noah waved his hand, and an illusionary figure of a soul appeared in the middle of the room.

Along with the soul, a dark wisp of energy appeared in the air, moving towards the soul. As soon as the wisp of energy touched the soul, it formed a ring around the soul, binding it.