Chapter 366: The Bonds Forged with Blood!

"Ho~ You came to meet me?" Hearing an ethereal voice from behind him. But to Wuhan, that voice sounded scary and cold. He even felt a shiver running down his spine.

Taking a deep breath, Wuhan calmed himself down and slowly turned around, his eyes already adjusted to the sudden brightness.

Before him stood a figure, cloaked in darkness despite the glaring brightness around them. After calming down, Wuhan noticed that he was standing in the middle of a garden filled with nothing but blood-red flowers.

There was a bush of flowers that shone differently from the rest and there was a single flower that was glowing the brightest in the middle of the flower. 

Seeing the scene, Wuhan felt his heart beating faster and faster with each passing second but he managed to maintain his cool and looked back at the figure who was silently waiting for him to speak.