Chapter 382: Rescue! Regret! Resolve!

Walking out of the cave, Noah didn't even bother hiding this time; he waved his hands and placed his old black mask to cover his identity. Ruo'er followed behind Noah, dragging two unconscious people with her using her qi.

"What about the rest of these pe— Why did you suddenly wear a mask?" Ruo'er raised her eyebrows, seeing Noah wearing a familiar mask. She had seen him wearing the same mask in the domain where they first met.

Noah didn't say anything in return; his attention was on the girl in his hands. No one knew what was going on inside his mind. Ruo'er didn't say anything anymore, seeing Noah not saying anything.

"Who are you? You are not one of us!" The same woman Ruo'er almost kissed raised her spear at them, not sensing any seal from them. "Where are you taking those two?"



Ruo'er glanced at Noah before charging at the woman. Before leaving, she had placed the two bodies on the ground safely.