Chapter 541: The Cries That Echoes [1]

Ever since Long Xiang found himself trapped in his own body, he felt like a prisoner, forced to watch as his body moved like a puppet under someone else's control. Although he witnessed himself basking in glory, surrounded by admirers and honored by the Soaring Heaven Sect, he could not feel any happiness. 

The sensation of being trapped, unable to touch, feel, smell, or eat anything, began to make him feel numb. 

He was scared. What once seemed like a minor inconvenience grew into a torturous nightmare as time passed. 

He couldn't interact with the world around him, only watch from a distance as his life unfolded like a scene in a play. 

This is a dream!

That's what he kept telling himself, believing that he would wake up eventually.

At first, Long Xiang was in denial. He thought there must be some way to escape this illusion, to break free from whatever held him captive in his own mind.