Chapter 566: Missing Target!

"When… when we do it… we will do it for a year!" Even though Xin Yan's voice stammered at first, her eyes and words showed her resolve at the end. Noah almost could not believe that Xin Yan would say that out of all the things.

He took a deep breath to digest the words that entered his ears, but his dragon nose caught something in the air that he failed to find before as he was holding his breath to calm himself.

'It's the scent of the sea, but…' Noah's eyes widened as he took another breath, deeper than the one he took before. 'This is the same scent that I have been breathing for a month.'

His actions first came off as confusing to Xin Yan, but when she thought of what she did in the morning, her eyes went wide, and her pale jade skin transformed into blood jade skin.

When she saw him lowering his head and looking right in her eyes, Xin Yan moved like a scared kitten and hid her face back into his arms.