Chapter 571: Xin Yan's Turn In The Sword Realm!

"Hmm, you two seem to be getting along just fine."

"Who is getting along—" Just when the two of them turned to retort at Noah, they saw the half-smile on his face. The smile sent shivers down their legs. Xin Yan even wanted to break the hug with Noah, but the powerful grip of the man held her in place.

"Hmm~ Why did you two stop? Please, go on." Noah spoke with an encouraging smile, but they knew better than to believe that smile.

"Ah! I don't have time, I have to enter the sword realm today!" Xin Yan fidgeted in his arms, trying to get away.

"I have a world to take care of. I will be back later." Elysia took a step back and disappeared into the void, leaving the two of them alone in the room.

Noah also did not stop her and looked down at the rabbit trapped in his arms. "I don't mind you teasing each other, but don't try to harm each other in any way."