In the tranquil expanse of the high hill spot, Eric began crafting a complex design on the ground, an intricate pattern etched into the earth. He called it the "Dance of the Wind Walker," a form of martial art deeply rooted in cultivation world principles. The pattern was a maze of lines and circles, each segment representing different movements and strategies in a duel.
Holding Ria's hand, Eric guided her through the pattern, explaining the significance of each section. "In a duel, momentum is everything," he said, his voice calm yet instructive. "When your opponent has the momentum, it's not always about countering directly. Sometimes, giving them more space can be to your advantage."
As they moved across the pattern, Eric demonstrated a dragging footstep. "This step is part of the Gale Steps technique. It's about agility, but also about misdirection. You let your opponent think they have the upper hand, and when they overcommit, that's when you strike."