An Offer

This time Skyla didn't hesitate. She was a powerhouse of knowledge when it came down to anime and the deep but reassuring voice of Zyair made her bold. She placed her hands on the table, took a deep breath and slowly commenced.

"To name a few, Kakashi, Levi, Luffy, Ken, Gojo, Nanami and Ichigo. Just like you dressed up during last year's Annual Fashion Ramp. It was an amazing costume. And I know companies are making millions. This prospect is a goldmine if tapped strategically."

Her puckered lips stretched in a stunning smile and Zyair's heart slightly tinged. His eyes wouldn't waver from her even if he wanted to.

"Precisely, very aptly put and thank you. Ichigo's final form is my personal favourite," he lightly tipped his head at the gorgeous lady with Auburn hair and she wholeheartedly smiled. A small blush appeared on her cheeks.