His Unwavering Care

For the rest of their shift, Rosa decorated cakes and cupcakes in the back while Sophia managed customers in the front after convincing her part-timer that she was feeling fine. 

Rosa suggested she go to the doctor soon but Sophia was firm in her insistence that it wasn't that bad.

As much as Sophia could put on a front for the customers, her eyes drifted to the front of the store where John had taken a seat at the tables lining the front of the store. She could tell by his posture that something was going on with him. 

There was no time for her to regret how she behaved towards him before when all he was doing was trying to get through whatever was happening to her. It was like her body and mind weren't her own when she was clinging to him. 

Her heart raced with anxiety whenever her mind drifted to how good it felt to have him in her grasp. She felt guilty even though she was undoubtedly single and not betraying anyone. It was John's reaction that made her question everything. 

Rosa came to the front of the store after finishing up a few things. 

"Is he alright?" Rosa asked. "He seemed so eager to work before." 

Sophia bit the inside of her cheek. 

"When I had to close up the store yesterday it was because he got injured and I was in the hospital with him," Sophia explained. "Maybe he's just not feeling well." 

Rosa nodded, contemplating the situation. 

"Well, how about you? How are you doing?" Rosa asked. "I can tell something's off." 

Sophia offered a sad smile and she glanced away. 

"Grant accused me of cheating on him with John last night," she explained. "I was just helping out a friend by being in the hospital with him. He had no one else he could call." 

Rosa's eyebrows rose. She had been working at the bakery long enough to get a read into Sophia. 

"Well, since that guy obviously has some kind of feelings for you, I'd say it's time to get past Grant and look at what's in front of you," Rosa nudged her gently with her elbow as she spoke. "If that guy was into me? Whew…" 

Rosa trailed off with wide eyes and a suggestive smirk on her face. When she was satisfied with Sophia putting her hands over her face in shame, she sauntered off to the back room with a giggle, deciding it was time to clean up the kitchen so they could get out of there at a good time. Most of the desserts had been sold off that day anyway.

The two women cleaned up the store after the last customer left, putting on music to make the process go by a little bit quicker. 

However, before Sophia could put the chairs on the table, she heard the bell on the bakery's door jingle and her head snapped up. 

"You shouldn't be lifting all of this after you felt like that earlier," he insisted. "Let me." 

Her green eyes were set on him and her eyebrows were raised. She wanted to argue his point but, after Rosa said he might be into her, she couldn't help that her heart fluttered in her chest at the possibility. She felt like a little girl getting so excited over a prospect like that. 

John's hand was on the chair and he gently pulled it from Sophia's grasp. 

"Suit yourself," Sophia uttered. 

Meanwhile, she emptied the till and put everything that needed to be in the safe. She divided out tips for her and Rosa, deciding she shouldn't reduce her part-timer's tips for that afternoon just because John was there. She would split hers with him if he cared about it. 

Rosa left first but Sophia stayed a little bit longer to prepare a few things for the next day. She baked crusts for tarts and another batch of bagels for the first customers who usually ordered that. 

By the time she and John left, the shadows in the city were long and she was exhausted after such a busy day. 

As she turned on the alarm then locked up, John stood behind her protectively, watching her back and feeling the same uneasy feeling, as if someone was watching him. He didn't like the street her bakery was on. It felt unsafe to him for some reason. Someone could easily memorize her schedule and follow her home.

"You always work until this late?" he asked her. 

Sophia looked up at John, gauging his expression and wondering if his concern was coming out of genuine care for her or if he was wondering in general. Could Rosa be right that he was harboring feelings for her? They had only just met.

"Someone has to prepare for the following morning," Sophia explained. "When my grandparents owned the place they had each other to break up the work along with part-time employees for the middle of the day. My grandma was a night owl while my grandad preferred the mornings." 

They started to walk away but John paused, causing Sophia to stop and shoot him a questioning look. 

"Even if I have to return to my life very soon, I'm going to make sure someone escorts you home every night," John said resolutely.

Sophia felt nervous and she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she started walking again, knowing John would follow her. She needed to change the subject. She felt confused.

"Y-You don't have to do that," Sophia insisted. "You probably don't live in this area anyway. The financial district is far away. You're probably busy considering you're someone's boss." She hoped that he wouldn't address it anymore because she didn't know how to handle that sort of kindness. "Shouldn't I call you Luca now? I heard what Angelo said." 

They walked in silence as John/Luca decided what to do. 

Perhaps it was because Sophia was the one who named him John, he was hesitant to get rid of that name. He was resistant to returning to his life. Would the closeness they had started to create between the two of them vanish into thin air when he left? 

"Luca…" he muttered. "I guess that is my name." 

It was a vague response but Sophia took it as confirmation. 

"Luca Morelli then," she said. "That name suits you. It reminds me of where I studied pastry school overseas." 

Now that it was in front of her like that, it was clear to her that she could be from the southern area of that country. He had dark hair and olive-toned skin. 

Except, as his full name left her lips, Luca felt anxious. He already knew that name carried a lot of weight. He thought of someone taking a picture of him out of a car. 

Was being by his side going to make her unsafe? 

He silently promised himself that he would do what it took to make sure that wasn't the case.