The Leap of Faith

It wasn't even 8 o'clock but it wasn't unusual for Sophia to go to sleep so early after a long shift.

She went into her room and washed her face then got into pajamas. All the while, she thought of what had just transpired.

Unfortunately, Luca made her heart race. He was under her skin in ways she didn't understand. It all started with his wonderful scent. That was what first pulled her in. It was enough that when he woke up, she went out on a limb saying that he was her boyfriend.

There was always something there. Was it wishful thinking that a man as attractive as him would even look in her direction? Without knowing, it was like she wanted to lay the first claim on him before someone else did.

Now they were too far gone after she had to work alongside him for a few days. He was a true gentleman and genuinely helpful. He was charismatic and made her laugh. He was also kind enough to realize when he shouldn't push her too far.

If he could keep being sweet, even after he regained his memories, it could be easy to love a man like that. Right now, all they had was a strange, invisible force that had pushed them together.

Sophia lay down on her bed and she heard the door to her bathroom lock. John must have been going to take a quick shower as he often did at night.

She couldn't imagine what it must be like for him. He had to occupy his time with random things. He didn't have a phone to browse like she did. He didn't even seem all that interested in TV since the first day he was at her house.

All he could do was sit there and think but never recall who he was. She wondered how miserable and lonely it must feel to be him at that moment.

Her thoughts were full of only him and it didn't help her go to sleep.

Even after the shower had long turned off and he had retired to his guest room, she lay there staring at the door.

She imagined a lot of scenarios where she got the courage to knock on his door and test the water. What held her back was the thought of disappointing him in the future. Sex was important in almost every relationship. Her mind wanted him but her body didn't work.

Sophia sighed and turned over so she would no longer have to look at the door and wonder.

Except, no sooner than she turned around did she hear a quiet knock on her bathroom door.

"Yes?" she called, her heart racing.

"Sophia," Luca said.

He took a shower and went to bed, hoping that sleep would find him quickly. Even though his dreams were dark and full of unspeakable things as his broken brain tried to remember who he was, at least it was better than simply sitting there and agonizing over the woman he shared a bathroom with.

He once lay there, only to realize sleep wouldn't come to him. Then he sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the closed door and wondering if Sophia was even thinking about the situation.

Against his better judgment, he wanted to talk to her one more time and tell her she didn't have to worry. Even if she couldn't come up with a response by the next day, he would leave her alone. He was prepared to deny the voice inside of him begging to get close to her, he had to hold up his end of the deal. He promised he wouldn't put pressure on her.

He heard her bed shift as she stood up and walked to the door.

It opened slowly and he was surprised to see Sophia in a pair of satin shorts and a tank top. He didn't realize how much more alluring she could get to him but seeing her in such a vulnerable state struck his heart. Her curious expression made him realize that she had no idea how she looked to him or she would be trying to hide herself more.

Sophia pulled on his hand and brought her further into her room. He hadn't been inside yet. The only time he had even seen it was when she showed him around her home on the first day.

To his surprise, she spoke first even though it was him who sought her out.

"I'm so scared," Sophia admitted. "But how will I ever know if I don't try?"

The moment she heard the knock, she knew what she wanted even if it was logically a trainwreck waiting to happen.

There would probably never be another man like him to ever look in her direction. Even if they would never work out, who was she to deny herself the experience? If he wasn't hers forever, at least he was for a fleeting moment.

Luca looked down at her, his face contorted into confusion that was accentuated by the evening lights outside and the dark room.

"What are you–"

She reached for the tank top he wore and pulled him closer.

He stared at her in disbelief.

Normally when he was that close to her, she seemed unnerved. At that moment, she seemed determined. His heart raced at her proximity. For once, it was him who was nervous. When had she become so confident?

Compared to her, he was nearly a foot taller. She had to put her hand on his cheek to invite him to come lower so she could do what she wanted before she lost all of her determination.

As their lips met, Luca's hands went to her slender waist and he stepped a bit closer. He had no previous knowledge of kissing anyone, but his body reacted accordingly. His lips moved in a way that was experienced but there was no one in his mind except for her.

The moment his tongue slid forward and asked for access between her full lips, she pulled away. He thought he had gone too far but she pulled him forward more so she could sit on the edge of her bed.

Fully expecting him to join her on her bed, she was surprised when he settled on the carpeted floor on his knees. He placed himself between her legs and kissed her again from where he knelt in front of her.

Luca wasn't sure about many things, but he knew that if he joined her on her bed, his self-control was going to leave him. He was trying to prove himself as a man with boundaries rather than a dog.