I Can Make You Feel Good 1 <R18>

Luca placed Sophia on her bed covered in a soft, sage green duvet. 

As usual, there wasn't an item out of place in her room including the bed that wrinkled when its owner was placed towards the foot of it. However, Luca wasn't there to admire Sophia's interior decorating abilities.

He got onto his knees between her feet which made it so his chest was pressed against her legs as she stared down at him in surprise. His hands went to her thighs and pushed them a little further apart so he could settle between them, his stomach then pressing against the mattress she sat on. 

"What are you going to do?" Sophia asked cautiously, though the more he touched her the less she had any reservations about what he was about to do to her. 

Whenever his spearmint scent permeated her nose, all her inhibitions started to leave. It was like being drunk. There was nothing else she could describe it as. 

Luca's hands went even higher to her hips. His actions caused her heart to remain in her throat as she tried to respond appropriately, though nothing inside of her wanted to do anything except give in. 

"Trust me," he finally said. 

His fingers found the edge of her jeans and her fear of disappointing him became real once again.

Sophia put her hands over his.

"Luca, wait," she urged. "I've been in the same clothing all day. Maybe I should shower." 

She tried to find an excuse that would be reasonable enough. Most men were disgusted if a woman wasn't freshly bathed anyway. 

"I don't care," he said.

He meant every word. His hands were practically shaking at how much anticipation had been built within him just to be able to get to that moment. 

Even if she didn't let him touch her further and he was only able to lay his eyes on what she had kept hidden from him for so long, it would be worth it. It meant she was starting to trust him with herself. That was all he wanted.

Luca gently pulled her hands away and pushed them into the soft duvet she sat on top of. He then hooked his fingers underneath the waistband of her jeans and started slowly pulling them down. 

With each bit of skin revealed to him, her sweet smell became more intense. It beckoned for him to go further.

As Sophia watched the most beautiful man she had ever laid her eyes on rid her of her clothing, her face felt hot and her heart didn't rest for a moment. She wanted so badly to pull his hands away from her but all she could do was squeeze the soft material of the bedding underneath her hand.

Her pants and socks were in a heap on the floor and Luca's cold blue eyes looked particularly fiery as he stared down at the small, faintly ribbed white cotton thong that separated Sophia's sweet core from him. 

As much as he wanted to devour her, he looked up at her face and saw a bit of fear left over in her expression. 

Before he could go further, he reached up and gently caressed her cheek. His touch caused Sophia to lean forward and he stole a soft kiss from her parted lips. 

He was melting her a little bit more each time. He kissed her and she found her voice again. 

"Why do I have to be the only one getting undressed?" she asked quietly. 

"Is this what you want?" he asked.

Luca untucked his shirt from the navy blue pants he wore and started unbuttoning it slowly. 

Sophia timidly nodded.

He pushed the shirt off of his shoulders until it fell onto the ground. He revealed slightly tanned olive skin and muscles she was already familiar with since she found him unconscious that day.

She had only known him a week yet this is what they were doing. Despite that, there was nothing inside of her that hated it. His appearance lit a fire inside of her but the way he was treating her so carefully was keeping it ignited. 

Rather than waiting for him to do something further, Sophia decided to be bold and pull her shirt off herself, revealing a white bra made of similar material to the underwear she wore. She hesitated for a moment, but at his eager expression, she unclasped her bra with shaky fingers. 

Luca was pleased that she was taking the initiative. A smirk appeared on his face as he admired what was revealed to him. Normally she wore loose enough clothing that someone wouldn't be able to glean anything about her appearance from it.

She had a slender frame and her build was on the thinner side which was surprising considering which line of work she was in. The most generous thing about her body was her breasts. Their size was further exaggerated by her small waist.

He wanted to feel every inch of her.

Sophia watched as he took in all she had to offer. She had never seen someone wear such a satisfied expression while looking at her naked form. She found it unnerving and had to bring him back to her eyes. 

"Don't stare, it makes me nervous," she admitted. "It feels like you can see right through me."

She reached for his hands which were planted on either side of her on the bed as he tried to control himself and placed them over her breasts, giving him silent permission to go forward. 

"Sophia…" he uttered, completely shocked. 

For a moment, they met each other's eyes while his large hands cupped her breasts and her hands remained over his. It felt like they had suddenly broken through barriers that Sophia had been trying to keep up for so long. 

There was something so different about him that no other man she had come across seemed to possess. She couldn't quite pinpoint what it was but he felt different than anyone else. 

He leaned into the bed again, but this time it was more aggressive and their bodies pressed against one another. His lips descended on hers when she was underneath him and one of his hands caressed her left breast, his thumb brushing past the pink peak, causing it to harden.

Against Luca's lips, Sophia gasped at the sensation of him giving attention to such a sensitive part of her body. 

Even when his fingers left her body and she felt his muscular chest pressed against hers, her skin felt electrified. 

A familiar feeling took over and she started feeling foggy with each kiss. His arms went underneath her and he began an onslaught on her neck and went down the front of her body. 

She was almost entirely lost in the moment when she felt something she had never experienced before in her life.

Her eyes widened when she noticed that the cotton underwear she wore was soaked as her body silently begged for more. Each of his touches made it far worse. It was something no other man had ever been able to do for her.

Momentarily, she felt like there was a chance she might not be broken after all.