This Is You

A short old man came into the penthouse apartment alongside a nurse. They both carried a few supplies with them that would be necessary to give a checkup to the alpha they were dealing with. 

The doctor wore a white coat over a grey suit and the black shoes on his feet were shined to perfection. He had curly grey hair that was combed to the side and he wore small circular glasses over his eyes. Overall, he had a jolly presence. 

The nurse at his side was understated. She wore red scrubs and her dark hair was in a slicked-back bun. She seemed timid and didn't make eye contact with anyone nor did she speak. 

The doctor had fully been expecting to see a man in tatters considering what the watch on his wrist told everyone about his pheromones. However, he was met with a calm-looking Luca Morelli, sitting on one of his couches and patiently waiting for the doctor to come in.