Luca Morelli

Luca fell to his hands and knees as the AlphaZyme spread through his body. 

One of his hands was clenched in a fist and his eyes were squeezed shut as he tried to get past the horrible feeling of being entirely out of control. He had been resisting his instinct for such a long time, it felt like it was just under the surface and ready to bubble over at any point. 

The drug was what sent him over the edge. 

He heard a groan escape his lips but he wasn't controlling anything he was doing. 

There was a crunching of someone walking across the crumbling cement Luca was on top of. The urge to wring the neck of anyone who came too close started to well up within him.

The only thing keeping him down was the pain racking his body.

"The only way to make this feeling disappear is to go back in there and fight," Vince said to his son. "Or you could fuck something, but I don't smell any omegas in a place like this."