Made For Each Other

Sophia found sleep eventually. Luckily, it wasn't too late or she was certainly going to be in trouble for the interview the following day. 

Her bakery would be closed to the public while they took pictures. They were due to come in the early afternoon so she would have time to prepare a few things before they arrived. 

She was having a lighthearted dream that made little sense, but, out of nowhere, she jumped when something flew at her in the dream. 

Sophia's eyes opened to a dark room and she blinked slowly, wondering what happened in her dream. She looked at her phone and saw that it was just after 1:30 am. She sighed. She had only been asleep for a few hours but she could certainly use a few more if she was going to be in front of cameras later in the day.

As she tried to get comfortable again, she heard another thump and her heart raced. That time, she saw a branch hit her window despite the tree in her yard being on the other side of the townhouse.