A Gangster or a Spy?

Rather than satisfying her with an answer, Luca reached for the glass on the table and took a small sip of it. He only wetted his mouth with the liquid but that was it. 

"I thought you were keeping closer tabs on me than that, Serena," Luca responded.

"Why would I waste resources on a druggy gangster like you?" she asked. "I've been requesting a meeting for over two weeks. This is not what we agreed to." 

Luca sat up a bit straighter and set his gaze on the woman before him. 

"I had amnesia from a head injury," Luca said. "Then I went into my rut." 

Serena started drinking the whiskey, though she drank it faster than Luca, preferring to get through the burn more quickly.

"That's disgusting," she said. 

It wouldn't be clear if she was talking about his rut or the drink, but he knew for certain she meant his rut. 

"Not something I can control," he responded evenly.