A New Scent

Sophia had never once considered that dating in the alpha/omega world compared to the beta world could be different. They were so led by instinct versus emotions that it didn't occur to her until Ethan asked that she realized she might have different expectations than Luca. 

The thought of pressuring him into something he didn't want concerned her but she knew she had to talk to him to clear the air a little bit. She was only on the cusp of even understanding the world she unknowingly belonged to for so long. 

She peered out of the closet and shrugged. 

"I don't want to pressure him," she admitted. "Things are already moving so quickly as it is. I feel like he just…" she trailed off as she collected her thoughts. "Assumes? That we're together. I guess it's my fault though. I have never pushed for anything else."