Learning More

At his admittance that he had younger sisters, Luca's treatment of Sophia started making so much more sense. Obviously there was an aspect of instinct involved, but his respectfulness and understanding of her was learned. 

He was direct in the matters of women and always listened so attentively - a trait that many women appreciated. 

"How many?" Sophia asked hesitantly, not wanting to open up a wound.

"Three," he said. "They would be 24, 18, and 16 now." 

His expression became thoughtful and Sophia reached out to touch his face, willing his smile to return. 

Luca knew what she was doing. She didn't need to worry about him. 

"I don't know where they are," he admitted. "I've had limited contact with them for their entire lives." 

They disappeared the same way his mother did. Even with all the power in the world, he couldn't find people who meant so much to him - the only parts of his upbringing he looked upon fondly.