Get To Her

Within an hour of calling Serena, Luca was on a plane headed across the country with Gus in tow. It wasn't the usual staff that took care of one of the Morelli's or Falcone's planes, so Luca couldn't act or speak comfortably. 

As expected of Serena, she pulled strings and got him what he needed. Considering he was betraying his own flesh and blood for her in the long run, it was the least she could do. 

With her ties to the government and one of the richest families in the country, alongside his, she had many connections. She was the opposite of a mob boss. Her money was often charitable with little interest in herself and she genuinely wanted the streets of New Vista free of drugs and gangsters.

At that moment and more than ever before, Luca was certain of his decision to go against his family. There wasn't anyone else who would have any reason to take Sophia. His father was the only one.