Forest Fire

The burnt wood scent caused Sophia's heart to race and all she could do was try to run forward and escape it as it engulfed her. Yet, no matter how fast she moved her legs, it felt like she was running through molasses. 

All she wanted to do was get away because that scent meant danger. It meant pain and suffering. 

However, the forest fire engulfed her and she fell, the molasses keeping her legs from moving forward filled her mouth and nose so much that breathing became impossible. She gasped for air but nothing went into her lungs. 

What was once darkness became blurry white light and she tried to raise her arms to shield herself but her body wouldn't cooperate. She groaned.

From the outside, Sophia lay in a hospital bed. The only indication that she was having a dream was her head turning and an expression of misery appearing as her eyebrows lowered.