Pent Up

Sophia noticed herself holding Luca a little bit tighter after his admittance that he could smell her pheromones and she backed away. 

At the space she put between her and the alpha, Sophia saw his expression change. There was a terrifying determination in his eyes. It looked like he wanted to challenge her. 

She didn't want his dominant alpha traits to be so appealing but she had a natural pull to them. Whenever he seemed like he was going to be overbearing and possessive, she found herself not hating it entirely. Even when he was worried and keeping her in his house, she felt cared for. 

The safe feeling of being under Luca's care stirred up thoughts of never returning to the bakery had struck her a few times but she thought of Rosa, her regulars, and especially her grandparents. She knew she would have to stick it out no matter how scared she got.