Seafood Surprise

The bar was an old, upscale watering hole for the rich. 

It was well known for its vintage charm and the style the bartenders wore, putting the patrons in the 1950s rather than the modern urban jungle they were experiencing. Online it was said to be an oasis away from the technology for those who wanted to slow down. 

Sophia marveled at the interior where dark polished oak covered the floor and dark furniture that matched it perfectly was sprawled about the place, continuing with the vintage theme. 

Just like the outside, the lights were golden and warm but up there they were much softer. It was a place to relax and unwind. 

All the tables were devoid of people as expected. However, there were candles placed on the bar on either side of two stools that were set up for the couple. 

She turned further and her eyes went to a continuous panorama of windows that boasted a view of the other shorter skyscrapers. It was truly something to marvel at.