She Wants It All <R18>

There were many things Sophia never expected to crave before she met Luca. 

High on the list was sex. It turned out that there was something even higher than that as she found herself on her knees wondering what he tasted like. 

Despite how large he was and the way he overwhelmed her mouth and throat entirely, her eyes still remained on him, gauging his reactions. She found amusement when his eyes snapped open and he looked down at her in horror. 

He had told her not to do it before because he didn't want to hurt her. The last time she tried it and gagged, he hadn't wanted her to do it since. 

However, as she took him deeper and deeper in her mouth until he was pressed firmly against her throat and her eyes were springing with tears unseen because of the shower water dripping onto her face, he started to be overcome by the feeling.