Alpha Manipulation

 Sophia was simply dragged out of the room by her hand, not fully understanding the situation until they were in the dimly lit hallway and she was pressed against one of the walls. 

Luca's body was against her but it was more to shield her from anyone than anything else. Her eyes were shut for a moment as her racing heart started to slowly calm. 

"I don't know what's wrong with me," she said quietly. 

Luca almost missed her words since she was speaking like that but when he put his ear closer to her mouth he heard enough. 

"Bastard alphas," he said. "They don't control their pheromones at all and look for whoever becomes weak." 

Except, even though they were out of the room, Sophia's pheromones were still strong. It wasn't like her heat but Luca remained concerned. 

"What are you feeling?" he asked. 

"I can't control myself right now," she muttered.