The Gift of Nostalgia

Sophia felt embarrassed to have to go back into the car and face Gus after what she and Luca had been up to in his office.

While the alpha assured her that her makeup and hair weren't smudged, she wasn't so sure the blush on her face would go unnoticed. Luckily it was nighttime. Even more luckily, Gus was a beta who couldn't tell when the car he drove was full of pheromones. She wondered if that was why the Falcones had asked a beta to do work like that for them.

As the pair walked up to the penthouse, Sophia noticed Luca being a little more antsy than usual. She considered that her pheromones could still be too much for him considering they were almost entirely out of her control from that ridiculous drink, but it seemed different than that.

As they stepped out of the elevators, he paused before he could unlock the front door.

"Before we go in," Luca began, "I just wanted to say Merry Christmas, Sophia. In the past few months you've changed my life."