Under the Stars <R18>

Whenever they fooled around in the shower was the only time their height difference seemed to pose an issue.

When Sophia told him he could put it in, he leaned down and swiftly captured her lips in a kiss that knocked the wind out of her. She accidentally held her breath after gasping from the suddenness.

He had to bend his knees to even get close to her drenched, but it wasn't enough.

Luca would normally verbalize his actions more but instead, he lifted Sophia in his desperation.

There was a stone ledge where the soap was supposed to go, but he swiped away the bottles and placed Sophia there instead.

The clatter of things falling to the stone floor alarmed Sophia, but as the alpha spread her legs apart, she couldn't care about that any longer. Her small hand went between her legs and she further spread her petals for Luca. She could feel just how wet he had made her. Her body couldn't be more ready to take him than it was at that moment.